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Teaching English to Children, Model Amanda Visits Kelapa Island

Teaching English to Children, Model Amanda Visits Kelapa Island Amanda (credit: Personal Documentation) - Gadis Sampul finalist Endrinayla R. Amanda continues her mission to teach English to children.

This time, together with Generaction Project, the model who is also known as Amanda targeted one of the remote islands in the Thousand Islands, namely Kelapa Island.

1. Teaching English

On Saturday, June 18, 2022, Amanda carried out a program to teach English at the Al-Falah Takmiliyah Diniyah Madrasah in Kelapa Island Village, North Thousand Islands District, Thousand Islands Administrative Regency.

"Kelapa Island is one of the islands with the most population in the Thousand Islands. In addition, Kelapa Island also has the typical beauty of the islands, namely clear blue sea water, white sandy beaches," said Amanda.

2. Teaching Elementary School Children

Teaching 15-20 elementary school children, according to the woman who has starred in various advertising products, has its own challenges. This is because some children there admitted that they have never learned English before.

"I was touched when teaching English here because it turns out that some children admitted that they have never learned English at all. Some have learned English but it is still rare and limited. They are very enthusiastic about learning English to become more confident and to cultivate interest in learning English. In non-formal schools like Madrasah, in Kelapa Island, they do not yet have English language subjects," said Amanda.

3. Visiting Thousand Islands

Besides teaching for free, Amanda also travels to various islands in the Thousand Islands while learning about culture and meeting local communities. Amanda also tries various typical culinary from the Thousand Islands, namely Stik Cumi, and also visits mangrove plantations and turtle breeding sites.

"Hopefully, after the children here learn practical and simple English, I hope it will be a provision for them in the future," hopes Amanda.


Amanda is one of the finalists for GADIS Sampul 2019. Amanda is also the Founder of Generaction Project, a non-profit youth organization aimed at teaching English to children who have limited access to education or live in remote areas.

"I hope to be able to teach English to all remote communities. For those who want me to visit, they can see the contact of Generaction Project on Instagram account: @generactionproject or directly contact me on Instagram at: @endrinaylarafa," said Amanda.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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