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Tessa Mariska Reports Krisna Mukti to the Police, Turns Out to Be Due to Delayed Arisan Payment

Tessa Mariska Reports Krisna Mukti to the Police, Turns Out to Be Due to Delayed Arisan Payment Krisna Mukti (credit: - Surprising news has come from artist Krisna Mukti. The 53-year-old man was reported to the police by a woman named Yenni Khaidir, or better known to the public by the stage name Tessa Mariska.

Tessa reported Krisna to the Jakarta Metro Police on Friday (3/6/2022) with allegations of fraud or embezzlement of Rp 724 million. The report was recorded with the number LP/B/2702/VI/2022/SPKT/Jakarta Metro Police.

1. Krisna Mukti Also Fails to Pay

Tessa Mariska explained what prompted her to report Krisna Mukti. Apparently, it all started from an arisan event that had been running since December 2018.

The arisan, consisting of 26 members, set a monthly fee of Rp 10 million. Starting from one person whose payment was delayed in 2020, other members followed suit.

"The troublemaker was one person, Astrid's payment got stuck, Krisna and the others followed suit. Finally, the arisan was not fulfilled even though it was supposed to end in January 2021," explained Tessa when met by the media in the Makasar area, East Jakarta, on Saturday (4/6/2022).

2. Backing Up Arisan Money

Tessa Mariska has often reminded Krisna Mukti and others to pay the arisan. Because there was no clarity, the woman who had previously clashed with Nikita Mirzani took the initiative to back up first.

"It's been more than a year, the arisan members are shouting because they have paid but have not received anything. Finally, I backed it up with my own money," said Tessa.

3. Unwilling to Be Accused of Misappropriating Money

Tessa Mariska dared to file a report to the police after being provoked by arisan members. According to them, if Tessa doesn't report, it means she is involved in misappropriating the arisan money.

"Because I was challenged by one of the arisan members. He said, 'If Mbak Tessa doesn't report, it means she's involved in misappropriating the money'. Even though he knows I often remind them in the group. So I finally reported it," said the 43-year-old woman.

In addition to Krisna Mukti, Tessa also reported four other people, Astrid, Indah Sari, Lisa Henriany, and Arum Muhaimin. They are charged with fraud and embezzlement of money under articles 378 and/or 372 of the Criminal Code.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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