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To Stay Comfortable, Nycta Gina Shares Tips for Women Wearing Hijab Who Want to Exercise Outside

To Stay Comfortable, Nycta Gina Shares Tips for Women Wearing Hijab Who Want to Exercise Outside Nycta Gina Shares Tips for Women Wearing Hijab to Exercise Outside / Photo Credit: Fadhli - Exercising outside to burn calories is one way to live a healthy lifestyle. There are many Indonesian celebrities who also take the time to exercise to maintain their stamina.

The same goes for presenter Nycta Gina. She is one of the celebrities who enjoys exercising. In fact, almost every day, the 38-year-old woman makes time for her body to sweat.

Exercising outside, Nycta Gina as a woman wearing hijab always chooses comfortable and modest clothing. Even though sportswear in the market doesn't support her criteria, she has a solution.



1. Nycta Gina Often Exercises Outside the House

Nycta Gina admits to always making time for exercise. She does it every day except on Sundays because that is her day off.

"I exercise every day, but on Saturdays it's tentative, and on Sundays it's usually a day off. Well, it's like a bonus," said Nycta Gina when met at the launch of Arktiv x Nycta Gina sportswear, at the Satria Mandala Museum, South Jakarta.

Rizky Kinos' wife admitted that she prefers to exercise outside the house. However, sometimes she also does it at home.

"For me, I like both. But usually, I prefer to do it outside, but it's also okay inside," she said.


2. Comfortable Clothing for Hijab-wearing Women During Exercise

Because most of the exercise is done outdoors, Gina, who is a woman, certainly thinks about the right clothes to wear. Moreover, many hijab-wearing people feel uncomfortable exercising because the sports clothing available in the market does not support their criteria, she doesn't hesitate to give her tips.

"If I like black color, I will choose black for exercising, not see-through. But not completely black, there are other color accents," said Gina.


3. The Collaboration Idea Emerged

Gina received many praises for being able to adjust her fashion style during exercise, which sparked the idea of collaborating in The Alpha series collection. 

"Indeed, there are some items specifically made for collaboration with me. The designs are specially created for this collaboration. I am involved in this collaboration," expressed Gina.


4. Hijab-Wearing Women Expected to Be Sports-Savvy

Anggina, as the founder of Arktiv, has her own reasons for wanting to collaborate with Nycta Gina. Anggina hopes that more hijab-wearing women will become sports-savvy. 

"The reason is that Gina is one of the Muslimah inspirations whose sports activities are extraordinary. Our goal in partnering with Gina is also to inspire women and mothers out there not to be lazy in exercising," concluded Anggina.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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