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To Watch COLDPLAY Concert, Mona Ratuliu Comes in a Wheelchair - Accompanied by Indra Brasco, Her Husband

To Watch COLDPLAY Concert, Mona Ratuliu Comes in a Wheelchair - Accompanied by Indra Brasco, Her Husband Mona Ratuliu Comes to COLDPLAY Concert in a Wheelchair Accompanied by Her Husband / Photo Credit: Instagram/monaratuliu - indrabrasco - The arrival of COLDPLAY to hold their first concert in Indonesia certainly attracts public attention. This British band successfully entertained Indonesian fans on Wednesday (15/11/2023) yesterday.

A COLDPLAY concert is definitely something that many people don't want to miss, including artists who want to witness Chris Martin's performance on stage. The same goes for Mona Ratuliu, who is also enthusiastic about attending with her husband, Indra Brasco, to watch the COLDPLAY concert together.

The presence of this married couple has attracted the attention of the fans present. Apparently, Mona Ratuliu recently had an accident that injured her leg, which is why she came in a wheelchair pushed by her husband.

1. Falling During Shooting Makes Unable to Walk

Mona Ratuliu revealed that she suffered an injury to her leg after falling on the shooting location. Therefore, she came to the concert venue using a wheelchair.

"Yesterday I fell from the stairs while shooting, then I couldn't walk. So yesterday I was trying to figure out how to watch Coldplay. Finally, I bought a wheelchair," said Mona Ratuliu when met around the concert venue.


2. Buying a Wheelchair for His Wife

Indra Brasco, who knew about his wife's injured leg and really wanted to watch COLDPLAY concert, didn't stay silent. He immediately bought a wheelchair for Mona Ratuliu so she could watch the concert.

"Specifically bought. Coincidentally, when we had a production together, then she fell from the stairs, it was quite bad but she has recovered quite well, but she can't walk long distances anymore," said Mona Ratuliu's husband.


3. Has a History of Leg Injuries

Previously, Mona Ratuliu apparently had a history of injuries in her leg. She was once injured during sports and it recurred.

"There is a history of her tendon tearing before," explained Indra Brasco.

"I was previously injured during sports. So this is like a recurrence," added Mona Ratuliu.


4. Successfully Obtained COLDPLAY Tickets

Furthermore, Mona Ratuliu was initially hesitant to watch the COLDPLAY concert. Of course, this is because there were many competitors to buy tickets and she was worried about losing the war for tickets. Fortunately, Mona Ratuliu managed to get tickets for the concert on the D-day.

"So actually we didn't know if we could watch it or not because we were shooting. But once we found out that many people were watching, we immediately looked for tickets, luckily we got them," explained Mona.

"So, initially we had accepted our fate because we had work, but thankfully we managed to get them," she concluded.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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