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Until This Moment, Teuku Ryan Wants to Maintain His Marriage with Ria Ricis

Until This Moment, Teuku Ryan Wants to Maintain His Marriage with Ria Ricis Teuku Ryan © Akrom Sukarya - The South Jakarta Religious Court held another divorce trial for Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan on Thursday (7/3). Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan both did not attend the trial today.

In this trial, which is scheduled for the submission of amended claims by the plaintiff's party, they were only represented by their respective legal representatives. Dedy Rizal Armidi, as Teuku Ryan's legal representative, stated that his client did not attend the trial due to work obligations that could not be left behind.

"Today's agenda is to deliver the amended and additional claims by the plaintiff's legal representative. Actually, it's quite brief. Ryan couldn't attend today's trial because he had to promote his work," said Dedy Rizal Armidi at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Thursday (7/3).

1. e-Court Session Agenda

On the same occasion, Hendra Siregar, as Ria Ricis' legal representative, explained that they have submitted the amended lawsuit to the panel and Ryan's lawyers. Furthermore, the session will proceed with a question-and-answer process from both parties through e-court.

"Today we submitted in writing what our client conveyed yesterday. And it has been submitted and received by Mr. Dedy and his team," said Hendra.

"Next, the trial will proceed with a question-and-answer session on a predetermined date. Because this trial is conducted through e-court, there will be no face-to-face trial," added Hendra.

2. Plaintiff's Evidence

Then Dedy added that one of the important agendas in this divorce process is the presentation of evidence from the plaintiff's side. He is looking forward to the outcome of the trial.

"The session on the 25th is scheduled for the presentation of evidence from the plaintiff's side. Let's just wait and see what the result will be," said Deddy.

3. Still Want to Maintain Household

Deddy asserts that until now, Ryan is still determined to maintain a household with Ria Ricis. He also continues to try to mediate outside the court.

"Yes, until this second, there is absolutely no change in attitude. The main thing is he has to live his life doing his work," concluded Dedy Rizal Armidi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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