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Ustaz Derry Sulaiman Accompanies Dr. Richard Lee in His Conversion Until His First Congregational Prayer

Ustaz Derry Sulaiman Accompanies Dr. Richard Lee in His Conversion Until His First Congregational Prayer Dr. Richard Lee finds peace and converts to Islam. ( - The news about the famous beauty doctor, Dr. Richard Lee, officially converting to Islam has finally been confirmed. After months of speculation, he finally recited the two sentences of the shahada accompanied by two well-known preachers, Ustaz Derry Sulaiman and Ustaz Felix Siauw. This sacred moment was captured in a social media post that immediately attracted the attention of netizens.

The spiritual journey of Dr. Richard Lee has become a hot topic of conversation. The issue of his religious conversion had actually been heard since early 2025, but at that time he had not made an open statement. Now, after signing a declaration of entering Islam and performing his first congregational prayer, there is no longer any doubt about his decision to embrace Islam.

Public reactions have varied, with most offering support and prayers for Dr. Richard Lee to remain steadfast in his new faith. However, attention is also focused on his wife, Reni Effendi, who was seen wearing a hijab. Stay tuned for more!

1. Dr. Richard Lee's Journey to Islam

Since the beginning of 2025, news about Dr. Richard Lee's interest in Islam has surfaced to the public. However, at that time he was still reluctant to speak openly about his beliefs. In several interview opportunities, he only stated that he was in the process of spiritual searching.

Eventually, through a post by Ustaz Derry Sulaiman on Thursday (6/3/2025), it was revealed that Dr. Richard Lee has officially become a Muslim. In the video shared, he appeared wearing a white koko shirt and a black cap while signing the statement of conversion to Islam.

2. The Moment of Shahada and Signing the Convert Letter

The sacred moment of Dr. Richard Lee reciting the shahada took place in an emotional atmosphere. Accompanied by Ustaz Derry Sulaiman and Ustaz Felix Siauw, he solemnly recited the two sentences of the shahada that marked his conversion.

After the shahada, Dr. Richard Lee signed an official letter titled "Declaration of Embracing Islam". The letter was also signed by two witnesses, Ustaz Derry and Ustaz Felix.

3. First Congregational Prayer with Ustaz Derry Sulaiman

Not stopping at the declaration of faith, Dr. Richard Lee immediately performed his first congregational prayer as a Muslim. In the photo shared on social media, he is seen sitting solemnly behind Ustaz Derry Sulaiman, who acted as the imam.

This post reinforces the evidence that the news of Dr. Richard Lee's conversion is not just a rumor. "Allahu Akbar! May you remain steadfast in faith and Islam, and continue to be a good person," wrote Ustaz Derry in the caption of his post.

4. Netizen Reactions to Dr. Richard Lee

Dr. Richard Lee's decision to convert to Islam received positive responses from netizens. Many congratulated him and prayed for him to remain steadfast in practicing the teachings of Islam. Several public figures also commented on this historic moment, with one comment saying "Beautiful..May you remain steadfast, doctor.." wrote @panjipetualang_real.

Not only that, there were many positive public reactions to this; many of them left encouraging comments and prayed for Dr. Richard Lee to continue to be steadfast, such as one netizen's comment "MashaAllah, barakallah Dr. Richard, may you remain steadfast" wrote @tiens_tini.

5. The Meaning of Life Tests for Dr. Richard Lee

In a video on his personal YouTube channel titled Download Exclusive, Dr. Richard Lee talks about his life journey and how Islam has changed his perspective on life tests. He quotes verses from Surah Al-Baqarah 155-157 that have deeply impacted him.

"Previously, I felt that my life tests were very heavy. But since I learned about Islam and since I became a Muslim, I understand that tests are a part of life and Allah gives tests to those He loves," he said.

What do KLOvers think about this? Come on, write in the comments section! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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