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Vanesha Prescilla Has a Heart-to-Heart Session in the Bathroom with Sissy Prescillia, Here's the Cause

Vanesha Prescilla Has a Heart-to-Heart Session in the Bathroom with Sissy Prescillia, Here's the Cause Vanesha Prescilla © Herdianto - Every sibling surely has unique habits when at home. Just like Vanesha Prescilla who often confides in her sister, Sissy Prescillia, in the bathroom.

This habit is done in the morning when Sissy is taking a shower. Suddenly, Vanesha knocks on the door and asks for permission to enter. That's where they share many things, from trivial matters to important ones.

"So when Sissy is showering, I'm like just waking up and I knock on the door saying 'Sister, open up'. Then I enter. Actually, it's more like, hmm..., Sissy and I like to discuss a lot of things. We even discuss things that are not important and it becomes fun," said Vanesha when met in Kemang, South Jakarta, on Thursday (5/3/2020).

1. Causes of Venting in the Bathroom

Sissy Prescillia then explained the initial reason why the habit could start. Apparently, it's because there is rarely a time when as siblings they can have quality time due to being busy with their respective activities.

"When I see Sasha, there's a lot she wants to talk about. But because there are kids at home, I work in the morning and so on, so the time is very short. As soon as the kids meet me, they also become possessive and pull me here and there. So when I'm not with the kids, I'm either showering or in the toilet, she comes," Sissy explained.

2. Living at the Older Sibling's House

Furthermore, Vanesha Prescilla admitted that after her father passed away, she chose to live at her older sister's house. She considers Sissy and Rifat Sungkar as her mother and father.

"Now I live with Kak Sissy. Because after my dad passed away, I moved to Kak Sissy's house. So Kak Sissy and Kak Rifat are like my parents too. So if there's anything, I need my sister. Nothing is ever kept secret," said Vanesha

Sissy added, "Sasha also knows everything that happens at home, Sasha knows everything that happens to me now, and the same goes for Sasha, I know everything, the ins and outs, I know it all," concluded this mother of two.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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