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What Ussy Sulistiawaty Felt During Positive Covid-19, The World Crumbled Instantly - Sadness in Not Being Able to Breastfeed Saka

What Ussy Sulistiawaty Felt During Positive Covid-19, The World Crumbled Instantly - Sadness in Not Being Able to Breastfeed Saka Ussy Sulistiawaty (Credit: - The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet and everyone is still being cautious. Unfortunately, even though she has been disciplined in following health protocols, this virus still found a way to enter the body, at least that's what happened to the beautiful actress Ussy Sulistiawaty.

This was revealed on Ussy Andhika Official's Youtube channel on Wednesday (14/4). When she found out she was positive for Covid-19, Ussy immediately felt weak. Her bones felt like they were being stabbed.

1. Mental Impact

"My CT score was 20 at that time. It's true, they say Covid affects mental health. When I found out I was positive, my body felt like it was being pulled down, like it was heavy. My bones felt like they were being stabbed," she said.

Not only that, she also had to accept the fact that she couldn't breastfeed her little one, Saka. As KLovers know, Ussy has a youngest child who is only a few months old.

2. The World Feels Like It's Falling Apart

"At that time, I cried because the doctor said that if I took Avigen, I wouldn't be able to breastfeed Saka. My world felt like it was falling apart, I remember at that time there were still around 20 breast milk bags in the refrigerator," Ussy continued.

A few days after being diagnosed with Covid-19, Ussy admitted that she felt like a crazy person. She even talked to herself in front of the mirror.

"On Saturday, I was like a crazy person. I talked to myself in front of the mirror. I said, 'Covid, you can't destroy me and my family. Leave quickly, I will definitely be healthy, I'm strong, I'm resilient'," Ussy said.

3. Remember Mother's Message

Ussy is not alone, she is with 7 other people who live in her house and they all contracted Covid-19. After ten days of self-isolation, Ussy finally recovered although she found out that her little one, Saka, tested positive for Covid-19.

The Covid-19 virus is still lurking, KLovers. Make sure to always #RememberMothersMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers will always be healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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