Fikoh LIDA is experiencing an unexpected disaster at the beginning of 2024. On Friday (19/1), Fikoh's childhood home was just burned down. Fikoh was not at the location, here is a portrait of his father when he was successfully rescued by residents.
Fikoh LIDA is experiencing an unexpected disaster at the beginning of 2024. On Friday (19/1), Fikoh's childhood home was just burned down. Fikoh was not at the location, here is a portrait of his father when he was successfully rescued by residents.
Disasters that come never give a warning. Fikoh's childhood home in Bangka Belitung was engulfed by fire.
This is the condition of Fikoh's childhood home that has been completely destroyed. All the memories inside have disappeared and nothing remains. Everything has been burnt. Â
This is the condition inside the house that has been completely destroyed. All the memories inside it have vanished and nothing is left. Every part has been burnt.
Fikoh is not seen at the location, he can only watch from a distance and surely Fikoh feels devastated. Especially seeing his beloved father in that moment.
Here is a portrait of Fikoh's father who was saved from inside the burned house. Fikoh's father is wearing a gray robe.
Fikoh's father is seen sitting helplessly after being saved. The house is only occupied by Fikoh's father and grandmother.
One of Fikoh's siblings just asked for permission from him. Just said goodbye to him for a medical appointment, not long after received news that the house was on fire. His facial expression and gaze became the focus of attention.
Until now, the cause of Fikoh's house fire is still unknown. Hopefully, Fikoh and his family can sincerely accept this test, stay tuned for more information only on KapanLagi.com!
Fikoh LIDA's house in Bangka Belitung has just been burned down. Here is its condition that is completely gone.
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