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Predicted to Get Married to Lesti This Year, Rizky Billar: Instead of Predictions, It's Better to Propose

Predicted to Get Married to Lesti This Year, Rizky Billar: Instead of Predictions, It's Better to Propose Rizky Billar (Credit: - Some time ago, magician and predictor Denny Darko predicted the relationship between Rizky Billar and Lesti. In his prediction, he stated that Rizky Billar and his girlfriend, Lesti, will get married this year.

When asked about it, the Medan-born artist didn't really believe in predictions. What matters to him is believing in what he goes through.

1. Mending Proposal

"I don't know, why believe in predictions? Personally, I believe more in things that I experience. Instead of predictions, it's better to propose," said Rizky Billar at Persari Studio, South Jakarta, Monday (26/4/2021)

Previously, there were rumors that Rizky Billar and Lesty Kejora would get married after Eid al-Fitr this year. According to Rizky Billar, there have been no preparations whatsoever for a wedding.


2. No Preparations Yet

"Well, we haven't reached that point yet (marriage). There have been no preparations at all, we just go through everything," he said.

However, regarding this matter, Rizky Billar does not deny that his relationship with Lesti will be taken to a more serious level. He hopes that his good intentions will not encounter any obstacles in the future.


3. Hopefully Facilitated

"Hopefully good intentions will be facilitated, whatever the intention," concluded Rizky Billar.

The Covid-19 pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone who wants to get married. However, always remember to #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully KLovers always stay healthy!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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