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Resigned to See the Closeness of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, Clara Gopa: Fate Doesn't Go Anywhere

Resigned to See the Closeness of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, Clara Gopa: Fate Doesn't Go Anywhere Clara Gopa - Atta Halilintar - Aurel Hermansya (credit: Akrom Sukarya - Herdianto) - Dangdut singer Clara Gopa is known to have feelings for Atta Halilintar. She even promised to wear a hijab if she could have Atta as her partner.

Met on Sunday, June 21, 2020, Clara admitted that she had communicated with Atta during last year's Eid moment. The communication was established as a form of her halal bi halal with Atta.

"Of course, there was a halal bi halal, through WhatsApp and calls, but Atta himself never prohibited me from getting close to anyone, he just wanted to protect his heart at that time. For now, I am more like, well, how should I say it, there is definitely heartache, but it's okay, because fate doesn't go anywhere. We also don't know who my true partner is, so let's just go through it," explained Clara Gopa.


1. Close as Friends

Clara admits that her closeness with Atta is only as friends. However, many netizens doubt this. Clara ensures that their friendship has been established for a long time, even before Atta knew Aurel Hermansyah (Loli).

"If it's about closeness, we have been close since the beginning. So, it's not just friends, but close friends. If someone says it's just for show, it's up to them, because only the two of us know the closeness between me and Atta. So, if someone says it's for show, it's up to the netizens. If we are close, we have been close since the beginning, even before knowing Loli, we were already close," she explained.

2. Still Communicating

Her relationship with Atta has not changed, they are still friends. In addition, she accepts Atta's choice regarding his partner, even though it is considered something very difficult.

"If we are still in touch, it's just to say hi, nothing more than before. Because it's okay, now I accept it, what matters is that he is happy, he is content. For now, I appreciate Atta's partner," she explained.

3. Placing Hope on Atta

Meanwhile, the members of Duo Semangka cannot hide their hope for Atta Halilintar. They can only try and fully depend on God's will.

"Oh dear, what can I say, of course there is hope. Because there is still love, so we can only try and pray," said Wahyu Putri Diansari, the owner of the real name.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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