Synopsis of the Film 'SINDEN GAIB', a Horror Film Adapted from the True Story of Sinden Trenggalek
Here is the complete synopsis of the world of persindenan horror story that once happened in Trenggalek, curious how? Let's see below. - Falcon Pictures is ready to release a film titled PASUTRI GAJE in early February 2024. This romantic comedy presentation reunites Reza Rahadian with Bunga Citra Lestari in one production.
After previously showcasing twelve scene photos, this film by Fajar Bustomi releases an official poster. The poster looks interesting as it features the two main actors wearing Civil Servant uniforms among many other characters.
Bunga Citra Lestari and Reza Rahadian Agree Not to Try to be Funny (Credit: Falcon Pictures)
Although it is a romantic comedy genre, both Reza Rahadian and Bunga Citra Lestari do not try hard to be funny. Because the situation in this Webtoon comic adaptation film is already funny.
"In this film, we don't need to be funny anymore. We agree not to try to be funny because the situation is already funny. We just need to respond and bring it to life," said Reza quoted from a text message received by, Friday (12/1/2024).
During the shooting of PASUTRI GAJE under the direction of Fajar Bustomi, Bunga Citra Lestari revealed that the process was so serious. Even though the genre brought is romantic comedy.
"Besides us, there are cast members with strong characters. Our relationship with other characters is the source of humor. So we don't do comedy, we do it seriously. Scenes can be serious, can be relaxed, but we don't intend to make jokes," said Bunga.
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Here is the complete synopsis of the world of persindenan horror story that once happened in Trenggalek, curious how? Let's see below.
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