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Chronology of Si Doel's Love Story - Sarah and Zaenab, the History of Meetings and Heart's Dilemma that Now Finds an End

Chronology of Si Doel's Love Story - Sarah and Zaenab, the History of Meetings and Heart's Dilemma that Now Finds an End Si Doel © Herdianto - It seems like Doel's indecisiveness towards Zaenab and Sarah has become a legend in Indonesia. The audience of the TV series Si Doel Anak Sekolahan and the movie SI DOEL THE MOVIE are equally frustrated with Doel's wavering heart between these two women who both love him.

But in the end, a choice must be made by Kasdullah, Si Doel's full name. He can't indefinitely hang his heart between Zaenab and Sarah, giving hopes that seem real but are actually filled with doubt, unable to truly choose because of fear of hurting and losing one of them.

So, to whom will Doel's heart finally anchor? Before guessing to whom Doel's heart will finally anchor forever, let's take a look back at their journey that took years to find the answer. If there were a national-level PHP championship, Doel might be the undefeated champion.


1. Meeting Doel with Sarah

An accident involving Sarah's car and Doel's oplet became the first encounter of this couple. Sarah's intention to compensate for the damage to Doel's oplet leads them to a love story.

Sarah, who comes from a wealthy family, falls in love with Doel, who comes from a humble family. It turns out that Sarah is also Hans' cousin, Doel's friend at the college where he studied until he became an 'Engineer Craftsman'.

Not hesitating to pursue even when faced with storms, that's what Sarah does to win Doel's heart. She diligently visits Doel's house, starting from the excuse of giving compensation until eventually making Doel's family a source for her thesis.

Sarah, who is kind and humble despite coming from a wealthy family, immediately steals the hearts of Nyak Lela and Babe Sabeni. But melting Doel's heart is not that easy.

Doel's attitude towards Sarah in the early stages of their closeness is very cold and stiff. He knows that Sarah likes him, but Doel responds indifferently. Doel only gives a casual response, as a sign of courtesy because Sarah has been so kind to his family.

And this is not without reason...

2. Zaenab Who is Always in the Heart but Cannot Be Owned

Doel's cold attitude towards Sarah turns out to be because he has special feelings for Zaenab. Being friends for a long time and living next door, makes Doel close to Zaenab.

Actually, Zaenab also has feelings for the kind-hearted and diligent Doel. But their love story only becomes an illusion because before Doel dares to approach, his love is hindered by Zaenab's parents' attitude.

Zaenab's mother disagrees with her daughter dating Doel who comes from a humble family. The mother desires a son-in-law who is richer and wants to match Zaenab with businessmen who are considered more suitable for her.

Seeing the rejection given by Zaenab's parents, Doel's parents also withdraw. They still maintain good relations as neighbors, but they advise that it would be better for Doel to cancel his intention to be in a relationship with Zaenab rather than causing problems with his family.

Obedient to their respective parents, Doel and Zaenab keep their feelings hidden. Although Doel never truly admits his feelings to Zaenab, he often gives small attentions like escorting her home. Zaenab also often comes to Doel's house, bringing food in a tiffin carrier.

3. Sarah's Approach That Finally Yields Results

Sarah is not unaware that Doel has feelings for Zaenab. When Zaenab comes to Doel's house and they accidentally meet, Sarah often feels jealous.

But Sarah never gives up, she keeps trying to win Doel's heart in various ways. Taking the family on vacation to Anyer, buying souvenirs when returning from abroad, and giving sweet attention to Doel's family are some of Sarah's many tricks to conquer the Engineer.

At first, Doel is indifferent, but he starts to see Sarah as a different person. He starts to give back attention to Sarah, accepting her presence that provides sincere help from the heart.

However, Doel still cannot completely let go of Zaenab from his life....

4. Choose, Doel Chooses Sarah

Zaenab knows, no matter how hard she tries to love Doel, complete with tears flowing every night, it will not make her parents agree to their relationship. She also knows that Doel's heart has started to be divided towards Sarah.

Similarly, Doel knows that there is no way for him to find a place in Zaenab's family. Although Zaenab's father accepts him politely, but not her mother.

Sarah's presence is getting stronger in Doel's heart. He is determined to choose Sarah as his lover, and Zaenab realizes that. She finally starts to let go of her hope for Doel and opens herself to the presence of other men who want to get close to her.

But their love story is like a roller coaster, going up and down quickly. Sarah is very insecure about Doel's heart, which still seems to be paying attention to Zaenab, causing endless problems for them.

Sometimes Doel looks tired of trying to prove that there is only Sarah in his heart. But Sarah's excessive jealousy towards Zaenab always succeeds in ruining the atmosphere and often makes their relationship strained.

Including when Doel gives a gift from Switzerland to Zaenab, which makes Sarah extremely angry.

5. Doel and Sarah's Wedding

Sarah and Doel's relationship had its ups and downs, but they eventually got back together. Doel became more determined and intended to propose to Sarah because he would be stationed in Kalimantan for a long time.

On the other hand, Zaenab started a relationship with Henry, which this time received her mother's approval. Not long after dating, Zaenab married Henry due to Henry's mother's deteriorating health condition.

Before the wedding took place, Doel secretly met with Zaenab without Sarah's knowledge. Doel then invited Sarah to attend Zaenab's wedding, and the meeting was revealed.

Sarah, who had just found peace, became extremely jealous of Zaenab. She was angry at Doel for not being honest about the meeting with Zaenab, and they had another argument.

However, this time Doel fought to apologize to Sarah. He met Sarah and expressed his desire to get married, which was met with a hug from Sarah.

6. Never-Ending Love Triangle

Zaenab's marriage to Henry, and Sarah's marriage to Doel did not end the love triangle between them. Sarah, who is pregnant, becomes more possessive of Doel.

Sarah's jealousy towards Zaenab never disappears even though they are both married. According to Sarah, Doel is still very attentive to Zaenab, who is also pregnant with Henry's child.

On the other hand, Doel feels sorry for Zaenab, who experiences violence from Henry. Zaenab, who becomes a victim of domestic violence and suffers a miscarriage, asks for help from Doel, and with the intention of helping his distant relative, Doel does it.

However, Doel's decision to help Zaenab during this miscarriage makes Sarah misunderstand. She becomes extremely angry and immediately leaves the house. Not stopping there, Sarah goes to the Netherlands to calm herself down.

Doel, who does not have the means to follow Sarah, finally gives up. He cannot contact Sarah because all communication channels are closed by Sarah's angry family.

Zaenab finally divorces Henry and returns to her parents' house. Both she and Doel are alone again, but with Doel still being married to Sarah.

7. Doel and Zaenab's Wedding

Years passed without any news from Sarah. Doel, who used to work in an office, lost his job and ended up doing odd jobs to support his family.

He never knew how Sarah and the child inside her were doing. And with odd jobs, Doel didn't have the means to search for Sarah in the Netherlands.

After a long time without any news from Sarah, Doel finally became close to Zaenab again. At the request of Zaenab's sick father, they got married unofficially because Doel had not divorced Sarah yet.

Doel and Zaenab have been married for quite a while, but they still don't have children. Zaenab moved to Doel's house and took care of Nyak Lela, who was sick, with great care. Nyak Lela advised Doel not to hurt Zaenab, who is very kind.

8. Doel Returns to Meet Sarah

Doel's heart, which was already determined for Zaenab, became uncertain again when he met Sarah. Hans, who arranged the meeting, turned out to be at Sarah's request.

With the secretly given funds from Sarah, Doel went to the Netherlands and there he met Sarah and their child. Sarah did it on purpose to let their son know that his father is still alive.

The reunion with Sarah made Doel extremely uncertain. Especially since he knew that their child had grown up and was willing to accept him even though they had never met.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, Zaenab realized that she was pregnant with Doel's child. Doel's departure to the Netherlands made Zaenab extremely worried. She was jealous if Doel met Sarah again and afraid that they would reunite.

However, it turns out that Sarah asked for a divorce from Doel. She wants them to separate officially, both religiously and legally. A request that makes Doel very sad and worried.

Doel still loves Sarah very much, but he also cannot let go of Zaenab.Here Doel still doesn't know that Zaenab is pregnant with his child. However, he remembers Nyak Lela's message, not to hurt Zaenab's very good heart.

Doel is still confused and unable to make a decision. However, a decision must be made and Doel does it in the final series of the trilogy SI DOEL THE MOVIE titled AKHIR KISAH CINTA SI DOEL. Who will Si Doel ultimately choose? Sarah or Zaenab?

According to KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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