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Givina Lukita Dewi, younger sister of comedian Uus, is cast as the main character in the film 'DEALOVA 2'

Givina Lukita Dewi, younger sister of comedian Uus, is cast as the main character in the film 'DEALOVA 2' Givina Lukita Dewi, the main character in the film DEALOVA 2 (credit: - The film DEALOVA 2 is made 15 years after the release of the first film. This sequel is starred by fresh faces ready to enliven the local film industry, such as Givina Lukita Dewi, Harris Vriza, and Pradikta Wicaksana, also known as Dikta.

Givina, who is cast as the main female character, is actually the younger sister of comedian Uus. In this teenage drama with a touch of basketball, the siblings act alongside each other with equally strong roles.


1. Character Similarities

Givina portrays the character of Libby, a high school girl who is also a basketball athlete in her school. The character played is revealed to be not much different from the real person, so Givina tries to make it different.

"The challenge of this film is how to portray Libby differently from myself. Because actually Libby's character is almost the same as mine, but I want to deliver it not like Givina," explained Givina during the shooting of DEALOVA 2 in Cilincing, North Jakarta, on Sunday (13/9/2020).

2. Basketball Homework

Another challenge for Givina is playing basketball for this film. Although she was once an athlete in high school, she hasn't practiced for a long time so she has to learn again.

"The most homework is basketball because all the other players are real athletes except me. I used to play basketball but only until high school. I can do it but not skillful. I had many workshops before shooting," said Givina.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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