Latest Film by Bayu Skak 'SEKAWAN LIMO' Invites Audience to Make Peace with the Past - Check the Release Date Here
kapanlagi Leony Van Augista & Sekawan Limo - Written by Angelia Leony Van Augista
Good news arrives in the Indonesian film industry! After the success of the YOWIS BEN film franchise, Bayu Skak presents SEKAWAN LIMO, which remains closely tied to the language and accent of East Java. He returns as the director and actor in this SEKAWAN LIMO film.
SEKAWAN LIMO tells the story of mountain climbers in Madyopuro who break a myth. This film combines horror and comedy genres with the use of East Javanese language accompanied by Indonesian translations. Although it contains elements of horror, the horror presented is not meant to frighten, but rather to be laughed at and provide entertainment for the audience.
Check out the complete information below!
1. New Project After the Success of 'YOWIS BEN'
Sekawan Limo
Bayu Skak brings new humor to the Indonesian film industry. SEKAWAN LIMO will be slightly different from previous projects. In addition to presenting East Javanese humor, this latest film also touches on myths about mountain climbing that are very close to Indonesian society. Bayu Skak and Chand Parwez, as producers of SEKAWAN LIMO, hope that this film can entertain and lighten the burden of the audience's life for a moment.
2. Invite the Audience to Make Peace with the Past Leony Van Augista
The film SEKAWAN LIMO not only presents ordinary horror-comedy stories. Through this new film, Bayu Skak invites the audience to make peace with the past, instead of avoiding it. "The ghost of the past is the scariest, it will haunt us continuously. What we need to do is face it, accept it, let it go" said Bayu Skak at the Meet and Greet event in Malang Town Square today (29/6).
3. Synopsis
Sekawan Limo
Bagas, Lenni, Dicky, Juna, and Andrew are united when climbing Mount Madyopuro. The climbing post guard warns: The group must be complete and forbidden to look back or someone will follow!
They fail to obey the myth, and throughout the journey they are constantly haunted. After getting lost until the night of 1 Suro, they finally realize that one of them is not human, and start accusing each other of being the ghost?
4. Cast List Leony Van Augista
Bayu Skak as Bagas
Nadya Arina as Lenni
Keisya Levronka as Dyny
Dono Pradana as Deri
Benedictus Siregar as Juna
Indra Pramujito as Andrew
Firza Valaza as Dicky
Beta Sofiansyah as Debt Collector
Cak Ukil as Tukang Baso
Devina Aureel as Female Hiker 1
Angie Williams as Female Hiker 2
5. Release Date
The movie SEKAWAN LIMO will soon be released in theaters nationwide in Indonesia on July 4, 2024. Let's secure your tickets from now on!
6. Trailer
Check out the trailer below, KLovers!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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