Kapanlagi.com - SRI ASIH was initially prepared as the second film in the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe franchise. However, as time went on, VIRGO AND THE SPARKLING took precedence in terms of release and production schedule.
The slow production process of adapting RA Kosasih's comic was due to the need for thorough preparation. They wanted to make sure that this character would be loved by the public.
"We are making SRI ASIH with great dedication because she is the first Indonesian female superhero. So we are really preparing and ensuring that this character is loved by all layers of society, just like Gundala," said Bismarka Kurniawan, the producer from Bumilangit, met at Plaza Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Saturday (1/2/2020).
1. More Action

Bismarka Kurniawan © KapanLagi.com/Adi Abbas Nugroho
Furthermore, another reason why SRI ASIH requires a long process is because there will be many action scenes. Therefore, the preparation must be detailed for perfect results.
"For the movie SRI ASIH, we will enhance or if possible maintain the quality. Because there will be more spectacle, there will be more action compared to GUNDALA," Bismarka continued.
SRI ASIH features Pevita Pearce as the main character, while the director is Upi. If there are no changes, the film itself is scheduled to be released in early 2021.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.