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After Plastic Surgery to Look Like Jimin BTS, Oli London Wants to Reduce Genitalia to Resemble Average Korean Men

After Plastic Surgery to Look Like Jimin BTS, Oli London Wants to Reduce Genitalia to Resemble Average Korean Men Oli London (credit: - K-Pop fans, especially Army, may already be familiar with Oli London. This British influencer is known for his obsession with looking like a Korean and undergoing plastic surgery to resemble his idol, Jimin BTS.

Oli has undergone about 20 surgeries and spent $250,000 (IDR 3.6 billion) to look like a Korean. As reported by Newsweek, Oli is also ready to fly to Turkey for a full face and neck lift surgery.

1. Oli's Intention

Not only that, Oli also intends to do something extreme to look more like a Korean man. He said he wants to reduce his genitalia.

"I don't mean to offend anyone, but in Korea, the average size of a man's genitalia is about 3.5 inches (8.89 cm), and I often become the subject of jokes (because of that). They say, 'Oh, you can't be a Korean. You're not 100% Korean', and I just want to be 100% Korean," said Oli.

2. Wanting Surgery in Thailand

Oli has even done research for this plan. He intends to undergo surgery in Thailand, which is already well-known for this.

"I even want to reduce the length of my genitals, so that I look like an average Korean. That's as far as I will go. I can do it in Thailand, the cost is between $6000 and $8000 (around Rp 86.4 to Rp 115.2 million). It's cheaper in Thailand. And honestly, they specialize in that there, because they often perform gender reassignment surgeries and others."

3. Wanting to be a Korean Person

That's all that Oli will do. He is even willing to do other things if they truly make him look like a Korean person.

"It's very rare, most people want to enlarge (their genitals). I know it sounds strange. I just want to be 100% Korean. My face will be completely Korean. I've already had breast surgery. What will I do next? I don't know. Maybe my hands are too big....all of that brings me closer to that country. I've already booked the surgery for February 22nd, after that, I will be happy with his appearance. The problem is, during the surgery, I can be happy for two months and then want more," he explained.

4. Not Afraid

Oli indeed admitted that the operation knife did not scare him at all. He's like nothing to lose.

"I never get nervous about anything. Even if it turns out to be wrong, I can do another operation."

5. Doesn't Care

Oli also doesn't mind that what he's doing could affect his future relationships. He's already like he doesn't care at all.

"You know, I think this (operation and others) can make everything worse. I might make some people uncomfortable. But I think, I'm already 32 years old. I'm at a point where people only take advantage of me or cheat on me or use me to make money."

What do KLovers think about Oli?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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