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BTS Will Do Carpool Karaoke on 'THE LATE LATE SHOW WITH JAMES CORDEN' BTS © NAVER x Dispatch - The latest news about BTS is always awaited by fans. This idol group is currently appearing frequently on various shows. They are currently promoting their latest album titled MAP OF THE SEOUL: 7.

One famous show, THE LATE LATE SHOW WITH JAMES CORDEN, features a host driving a car and accompanied by the artist singing hit songs. Well, this show has just invited BTS.

As known, BTS has previously appeared on James Corden's show in January. They were promoting their single Black Swan at that time. How will the next excitement be?








1. Anticipated by Many Fans

Certainly, the fans are very excited to welcome BTS to this event. They hope that BTS will become more recognized outside of South Korea.

They used to hope that BTS would appear on the CARPOOL KARAOKE show. Finally, the dream of the ARMY will soon come true!

Through the latest post from @latetlateshow, they announced that BTS will be present at this event on February 25. The seven members can be seen smiling with James Corden. Wow, the ARMY must be very impatient!

2. Previously Met

Previously, in 2017, BTS also visited the James Corden show. At that time, they were promoting the song 'DNA'. They also tried to play 'Flinch' where the members stood behind transparent glass and they were not allowed to move when something was thrown at them. Their excitement can be seen through the following video.

In addition, BTS also performed the song 'Black Swan' for the first time on the LATE LATE NIGHT SHOW in January. This certainly became a hot topic among fans.

Despite their successful performance, they experienced an incident on stage. J-Hope revealed an incident during their performance. Interestingly, the 'culprit' was unaware of the incident.

"I was kicked very hard in the middle of the performance. I felt dizzy during the performance. I was kicked by someone who is now sitting next to me," J-Hope said in the live broadcast.

V, who heard that, could only laugh. He admitted that he was very nervous throughout the performance, so he didn't realize that it happened. He then apologized to J-Hope for the incident.

3. New Album

On February 21st, BTS will make a comeback with a new album titled MAP OF THE SOUL: 7. They have released the first concept photos for the new album on BTS's official Instagram account.

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#BTS #????? #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_7 Concept Photo version 4

A post shared by BTS official (@bts.bighitofficial) on Feb 12, 2020 at 7:00 PST


The album MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 consists of 20 songs, including 15 new songs and 5 songs that were previously included in MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA. One of the songs that will be released is ON, which is a collaboration with Sia.

The music video for their main single will be released a week later, on February 28th. So, are the ARMYs ready to wait?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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