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Jo Jung Suk Admits Wanting to Become a Father Because of His Character in 'HOSPITAL PLAYLIST'

Jo Jung Suk Admits Wanting to Become a Father Because of His Character in 'HOSPITAL PLAYLIST' Jo Jung Suk © JAM Entertainment - Jo Jung Suk admits wanting to become a good father in the future. He expressed this during a special interview for the drama HOSPITAL PLAYLIST.

Receiving much love for the character Lee Ikjun, Jo Jung Suk revealed that he actually wants to become a father. He hopes to be like Lee Ikjun for his future child. This can be seen from the incredible chemistry between Lee Ikjun and Lee Wojoo as father and daughter.

"I used to feel like an actor known for his works. But now I just want to be someone who can be proud of by my child," he said.

1. Want to Have a Child

The 39-year-old actor said that his wife, Gummy, is also a fan of Korean dramas. He said that Gummy also likes his character as Lee Ikjun.

"My wife always observes my acting in dramas and films. But this time, I think she has immersed herself in the character of Lee Ikjun and become a fan," said Jo Jung Suk.

In October 2018, they got married after dating for five years. His wife was confirmed to be pregnant in January and will give birth to their first child at the end of this year.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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