Kapanlagi.com - Mina Gugudan seems to be getting more popular in the South Korean entertainment industry. Previously, she started her career by participating in the survival show PRODUCE 101. With her cute face and chubby cheeks, she began to attract a lot of fans' attention.
After her debut, Mina decided to lose weight in a healthy way. Now, she often shares photos of her body goals. Here is her story about the diet she underwent.
1. Lose 30 Pounds
Mina Gugudan (credit: Nature Dream)
Quoting from Koreaboo, fans were immediately shocked to see Mina's rapid body transformation. The former I.O.I member shared a photo of herself wearing a tight dress. She looked stunning with her slim body.
In the latest episode of HAPPY TOGETHER 4, Mina surprised many viewers by sharing her successful diet recipe. This Gugudan member apparently avoids eating and chooses to drink 2 bottles of sparkling water per day. As a result, she currently weighs 92 pounds.
2. Becomes Cosmetics Brand Ambassador
Having a beautiful face, slim body, and a multitude of talents, Mina often appears on television screens and magazines. In fact, Mina has been appointed as a Brand Ambassador for MAC Cosmetics.
This is because Mina is considered as a female idol who is able to radiate her own character. Wow, the 'Dear Friends' must be very happy and supportive of their idol. You can see Mina's beauty in the following MAC Cosmetics advertisement.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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