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Not Only Valentine's Day, February 14th is also Captain Ri Jung Hyuk's Birthday 'Crash Landing on You', which one?

Not Only Valentine's Day, February 14th is also Captain Ri Jung Hyuk's Birthday 'Crash Landing on You', which one? Hyun Bin as Ri Jung Hyuk © tvN - February 14th is synonymous with Valentine's Day or a day of love. Usually, those who celebrate it will give gifts such as chocolate, flowers, and others to the people they love.

February 14th is also the birthday of one of the most beloved drama characters at the moment. Who else but the handsome soldier Captain Ri Jung Hyuk from the drama Crash Landing on You. The character played by Hyun Bin successfully stole the hearts of many drama lovers with his masculine yet secretly caring style.

1. Ri Jung Hyuk's Identity Card

In one episode of Crash Landing on You, there is a scene where Ri Jung Hyuk's identity card is revealed. From this, fans also know when this dream captain was born.

Here is Ri Jung Hyuk's complete data based on his name card:

  • Name: Ri Jung Hyuk
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: February 14, 1988
  • Nationality: North Korean
  • Place of Birth: 12, Changyoung-dong, Jung-gu, Pyeongyang.
  • Address: 35, Songwol-ri, Deokheung-gun, Gaesung-si
  • Marital Status: -
  • Blood Type: O
So now Ri Jung Hyuk's age is 32 years old or 33 in the Korean age system.

2. Fans Send Birthday Wishes

One of Hyun Bin's fanbases on Twitter, @withhyunbin, sends birthday wishes to the captain who is loved by many women, both in his drama and by viewers. Unfortunately, many are also sad.

Because this week, Crash Landing on You is going to end. How ready are you to say goodbye to Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin? What will the ending be like?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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