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Turns out Kai EXO also likes to spam when he misses, just like you when you miss your crush?

Turns out Kai EXO also likes to spam when he misses, just like you when you miss your crush? Kai EXO © SM Entertainment - Kai EXO has just completed a tour in North America with SuperM for several days. Kai and his friends have just returned to South Korea on Thursday morning (13/2/2020).

While in the United States, Kai was definitely not alone. Besides being with other SuperM members, he was also accompanied by his manager and met fans there. But of course, he also misses his own country.

Not only that, Kai apparently misses his friends who are in Korea. The way he expresses his longing also makes his fans laugh.

1. When Kai Misses Ravi

For those who don't know, one of Kai's friends from the celebrity world is Ravi, a member of the boyband VIXX. They often hang out together and even went live on Instagram together. Well, it turns out Kai really misses Ravi when he's in America.

He showed this by commenting on Ravi's post. Not just once, this main dancer of EXO made several comments to get a response from his friend.

Here are the comments Kai made to get a response from Ravi:

"Boss, I miss you"

2. Finally Responded

Luckily, Ravi knows that Kai misses him. Finally, Kai's wish is granted by his friend. Ravi responded to one of Kai's messages with laughter in Hangul letters, ending with a heart emoticon. Unfortunately, their conversation ended there.

Who else spams like Kai when they miss their siblings, friends, crush, or partner? It turns out that even a K-Pop idol can spam :)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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