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Popular in China, Lisa BLACKPINK's Charm is Being Eyed as a Brand Ambassador for Fabric Softener

Popular in China, Lisa BLACKPINK's Charm is Being Eyed as a Brand Ambassador for Fabric Softener Lisa BLACKPINK © Instagram/lalalalisa_m - The charm of Lisa BLACKPINK always catches the attention of fans. Since her appearance as a mentor on YOUTH WITH YOU season 2, Lisa has successfully attracted the attention of many fans in China.

This idol has received a lot of support from them. Now Lisa is showing her charm again by officially becoming the brand ambassador for fabric softener.

Through her Weibo account, Lisa uploaded her post which has become the new face of fabric softener in China. How is it?

1. Becoming Brand Ambassador

Now Lisa has become the new face for Downy in China. She announced this through her Weibo account.

The singer of Kill This Love expressed how happy she is to promote the product. She admitted that she really likes the scent of this fabric softener.

"Hello everyone, this is Lisa. I am happy to be the new face of Downy. I love Downy because it has a great scent like perfume," said Lisa.

"It is perfect for clothes because its freshness lasts and makes you feel fresh and clean. If you like sports and dancing like me, I recommend trying it," she added.

2. Langsung Sold Out

This Thai idol also said that she will be present at the Party In May event in China. This event, organized by Downy, will bring Lisa together with her fans. With a smile, Lisa said, "We can meet."

After becoming the new face of this clothing softener, it seems that Lisa has had a significant impact. The online clothing softener website reported that their products are currently sold out.

Congratulations, Lisa!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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