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Unique Personality and Versatility, Key SHINEE Ready to Release Solo Mini Album 'BAD LOVE'

Unique Personality and Versatility, Key SHINEE Ready to Release Solo Mini Album 'BAD LOVE' Key SHINee. Credit: SM Entertainment - Recently, Key SHINee has released a pre-release single 'Hate that...' for his solo comeback. In the song, the Idol collaborated with Taeyeon Girls Generation.

Now, shortly after the song, Key SHINee will soon release his latest solo album titled 'BAD LOVE'. This album will surely showcase various different sides of the SHINee member.

With the release of the single 'Hate that...', fans are becoming more curious about Key's first solo mini album.

As known, previously Key debuted solo with the full album 'Face' and the repackaged album 'I WANNA BE'.

1. Mini Album 'BAD LOVE'

Key will release his solo album 'BAD LOVE' which consists of a total of 6 songs, including the title track 'BAD LOVE' on September 27, 2021.

This album is Key's solo album released after his solo album 'I WANNA BE' which was released in March 2019.

Through this album, fans can see Key's unique personality and versatility through the music, concept, and styling.

2. Hate that...

In addition, Key's latest single 'Hate that...' which was just released on August 20, 2021, topped various music charts in South Korea and iTunes' 'Top Song' in 11 countries.

With that, high expectations are given for Key's latest album.

Meanwhile, the pre-order for Key's first mini album 'BAD LOVE' can be done online or offline starting today, through various music stores in South Korea.



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