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V and Jungkook BTS Rarely Go Live Together, but When They Do, It Causes a Stir Among Fans

V and Jungkook BTS Rarely Go Live Together, but When They Do, It Causes a Stir Among Fans credit via - Despite their skyrocketing popularity, not all BTS members are fond of updating their daily lives on social media. This is the case with V BTS and Jungkook BTS.

Both are known for being less active in updating photos, especially when they appear live together. So much so that many fans ask about their whereabouts. However, because of the overwhelming longing, every time V BTS or Jungkook BTS post, it immediately satisfies fans' longing and becomes a trend in the virtual world.

Interestingly, recently V BTS and Jungkook BTS went live together. It caused quite a stir among fans. So, what actually happened?

1. V and Jungkook BTS Make Crafts Together

This rare moment happened when V BTS and Jungkook BTS decided to do a live together on the VLIVE app. The activity they did was quite simple, which was making carnation paper gifts for Children's Day and Parent's Day in South Korea.

V BTS chose to make a crown out of paper, while Jungkook BTS appeared to be making a flower bud. Jungkook made a mistake while cutting, after seeing V finish his craft faster.

Because of that, fans were made to laugh. Moreover, even though both of them appeared shy and admitted to not being confident in front of the camera, they actually made the fans who watched them burst into laughter.

2. V and Jungkook BTS's Appearance Causes Fans to Stir

After the live activity ended, fans were actually stirred up because of their handsomeness. After not appearing for a long time, it turns out the charm of V and Jungkook BTS was able to enchant fans, especially the ARMY after not seeing news about them for a long time.

The majority agree that they both look more charming, what about you ARMY, do you agree too?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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