Dozens of musicians from the legendary Potlot gang gathered and made history on the stage of Synchronize Fest 2024 held at JIExpo, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on Sunday (6/10).
This Potlot Jam became a nostalgic event for the audience, featuring stunning performances from a lineup of renowned musicians such as Anda Perdana, Slank, Oppie Andaresta, Bongky Marcel, Anang Hermansyah, Didit Saad, Ipang Lazuardy, The Flowers, Ottojam, and many more.
The event started around 21:45 WIB on the Dynamic stage. Oppie Andaresta opened the show with a medley of his three hit songs, namely "Holiday Sendiri," "Cuma Khayalan," and "Ingat-ingat Pesan Mama." This performance was immediately met with enthusiasm from the audience, filled with nostalgia.