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Colored by Heavy Rain, The First Day of Joyland Festival Bali 2024 Still Exciting - The Adams Perform with a New Formation

Colored by Heavy Rain, The First Day of Joyland Festival Bali 2024 Still Exciting - The Adams Perform with a New Formation Joyland Festival Bali © Novi - Heavy rain colored the first day of Joyland Festival Bali 2024 which took place on Friday, (1/3) at Peninsula Island, Nusa Dua. Shortly before the event started, the windy rain hit the stage, but it did not diminish the enthusiasm of the audience to enjoy this festival.

Equipped with raincoats and umbrellas, the audience started to fill the venue since the afternoon. The festival, which opened with a performance by the rap group ENVY*, went smoothly, although it was briefly hindered by the weather.

After ENVY's performance on the Plainsong stage, it was the turn of the band White Shoes and The Couples Company to rock the Joyland stage. From the main stage, WSATCC performed their hit songs followed by the synchronized choir of the audience.

During their performance on stage, WSATCC invited the audience to pray for the victims of the war in Palestine. "It feels unethical if we don't bow our heads for the victims in Palestine. Let's bow our heads for a moment and pray according to our respective beliefs," said Aprilia Apsari, the vocalist of WSATCC, followed solemnly by all the audience at the location.

1. Rain Subsides, Festival Gets Busier

The rain slowly subsided and the audience crowded the stage. They moved from the Joyland stage to the Plainsong stage, some sat sweetly in the film screening area and also the stand-up comedy.

The comedians curated by Soleh Solihun performed on the Shroom Garden stage. Some comedians performed, which ended with Mo Sidik's performance delivering material in English. In his performance, Mo Sidik pointed out how easy it is for foreigners to enter Indonesia, while Indonesians need to go through a difficult visa process.

"Even to Bangladesh, Indonesians need to make a visa," said Mo Sidik, greeted with hearty laughter from the audience.

2. The Adams Performs with New Formation

One by one, musicians performed on the Joyland and Plainsong stages. After White Shoes and The Couples Company, there was Nadin Amizah who performed her own songs.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Nadin Amizah and these are songs that I wrote myself," said the beautiful singer.

Several hit songs were performed by Nadin in her performance tonight. Including the song Bertaut which she dedicated to her mother, Rayuan Perempuan Gila, Semua Aku Dirayakan and closed with Sorai which made the audience sing along.

After that, there was The Adams who performed with a new formation after being left by Pandu and Gina. Tonight, Ario Hendrawan, Saleh Husein, and Gigih Suryo Prayogo brought two additional players to fill the void in the formation after two old personnel left.

"Joyland is so cool. Crazy, The Adams still has a lot of audience," said Ale, greeted with enthusiastic applause.

3. Special Performances

On the first day, the energetic band Stars and Rabbit performed on stage. There was also a performance by The Sigit that got the audience jumping with enthusiasm. Almost everyone sang along when The Sigit performed their hit songs.

The rain that came and went did not dampen the spirits of the audience. When Pearl and The Oysters performed, the audience crowded to the front of the stage, even wearing raincoats and umbrellas.

"This is our first time in Indonesia and performing in Bali," said the vocalist of the American band when greeting the audience.

The Joyland Festival Bali 2024 became even more lively with the performance of Japanese musician Shintaro Sakamoto. The guitar strummed by Shintaro, combined with various musical instruments, including toy sounds, made the audience sway to the rhythm. Shintaro Sakamoto's performance concluded the first day of Joyland, and the audience went home with happy smiles.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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