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First Performance at Joyland Bali, Kings of Convenience Thankful for Inspiration from Indonesia

First Performance at Joyland Bali, Kings of Convenience Thankful for Inspiration from Indonesia Kings of Convenience © Novi - The performance of Kings of Convenience was one of the most anticipated by the audience at Joyland Festival Bali. This Norwegian duo performed on the second day, just as the sun began to set on Peninsula Island, Nusa Dua.

Erlend Oye and Eirik Glambek Boe started their performance with the song Comb My Hair. The audience swayed along to the guitar melodies played by this duo while enjoying the serene sunset.

"Hello, once again, Kings of Convenience. I'm Erland and Eirik, we have been waiting for this moment for quite a long time," Erland greeted the enthusiastic audience.

1. Inspired by Indonesian Bands

The evening turns into night, Kings of Convenience continue their performance by singing soothing songs. Among many songs, there is one that is interesting, which is a tribute to an Indonesian band.

"When I recorded this song in 2012, I remembered that the notes were similar to a band," said Erland while singing a piece of the song Bersandar by the band White Shoes and The Couples Company.

Apparently, this song inspired Erland to record the song Love is A Lonely. "Thank you for the inspiration, Indonesia," said Erland, greeted by enthusiastic applause from the audience.

2. Hottest Concert

The hot weather in Bali made this folk duo feel hot. Nevertheless, they both remained enthusiastic in performing songs and greeting the audience.

"It's really hot. This is the hottest concert I've ever done, but it's okay," said Erland. "And my friend, Eirik, he's also hot, isn't he?" he continued teasing his partner.

The audience became even more enthusiastic when Kings of Convenience performed their hit songs. Misread, Caymand Island, Mr. Cold, and I'd Rather Dance With You made the audience sing along. The duo's performance concluded with Know Who, and they invited the audience to take a photo together before leaving the stage.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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