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Introducing a New Vocalist, Caffeine Now Presents a Different and Fresher Musical Style

Introducing a New Vocalist, Caffeine Now Presents a Different and Fresher Musical Style Caffeine Presents a Different Musical Style © Herdianto - After a long absence, the music group Caffeine is back with a new vocalist. Now, the band from Cirebon consists of Chikin (Vocals), Beni (Guitar), and Yudi (Drums). Along with the new members, Caffeine has released a new single titled "Takkan Kurelakan Kau Pergi".

"So after last year's vocalist change, we finally released a new song this year with vocalist Chikin," said Yudi when met at the KLY office in Central Jakarta, Wednesday (13/7/2023).

Beni revealed that the presence of the new Caffeine vocalist is fresher. Moreover, they can also attract new listeners.

"Yes, it's fresher and we can reach different generations because last year, Alhamdulillah, everything was blessed. There is a new story, a new breakthrough, a new style, and now we can reach the current generation with a vocalist who represents the current era," said Beni.

1. New Breakthrough

Not only fresher and gaining new listeners, the presence of Chikin also, Caffeine wants to provide something new and breakthrough to Indonesian music lovers.

"From the vocal change that we were looking for something different again. Wanted to make a new breakthrough and wanted to provide something new on the menu. Thank God with the new color, this song has been accepted for two weeks, Thank God," said Beni.

2. Long Time

To get a new vocalist, Caffeine needed quite a long time. Beni said, there were 200 people who participated in the audition process to become Caffeine's vocalist.

'It wasn't intentional, actually we held auditions and it turned out that those who participated were from the current era. Our generation didn't participate. Our generation only supported. There were 200 auditions, those who auditioned were younger than us," concluded Beni.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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