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Singer Buzar Brings the Song 'Crazy in Love', the Idea Was Found in the Bathroom

Singer Buzar Brings the Song 'Crazy in Love', the Idea Was Found in the Bathroom special - Young soloist M. Abu Dzar Alfarisi, or known as Buzar, has started his career in the music world since 2018. At that time, he was still a student at Mercu Buana University and active in his campus music community.

Buzar often performs on stages with his unique style, and he also frequently performs at events organized by the Ministry of Tourism, receiving appreciation and direct support from the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno.

Buzar has released several songs, including "Apple of My Eyes", "Moon Won't Shine Tonight", "Pelabuhan Hati", "A Place Where Roses Bloom", and "Under the Disco Ball". His latest single released this year is titled "Crazy in Love".

Buzar revealed that his inspiration in music and songwriting can come from anywhere. Interestingly, songs inspired by his personal experiences are first created in the bathroom.

"In reality, this song was born in the bathroom. The first verse that came to my mind was the chorus, 'Crazy in Love with you'. The process of making this song, from lyrics to arrangement, was completed in two weeks," said Buzar, as quoted from a press release received by, recently.

1. The Story Behind the Song

As the title suggests, this song tells the story of someone's difficulty in controlling their growing feelings of love for someone they love. This work is inspired by Buzar's feelings, unable to escape the love that continues to grow, even though he often tries to avoid it.

"The more I try to avoid these feelings, the stronger they grow. This is the birth of 'Crazy in Love' from uncertain feelings, but accompanied by easily listenable music," said Buzar.

2. Want to Share the Heart's Contents

Through this song, Buzar wants to share his heart's contents, fantasies, and how he struggles with overwhelming feelings of love. In addition, he also hopes that this song can encourage people to be more honest with their own feelings.

"This song also depicts people who are falling in love but trying to avoid their feelings. We don't need to run away like I did. Instead, if we dare to express our feelings honestly, whatever the result, we will definitely feel relieved," he said.

The song "Crazy in Love" by Buzar can already be listened to on various digital music streaming platforms, and an acoustic version of this song will be released soon. Hopefully, the presence of Buzar and his works can be well received by music listeners both domestically and internationally.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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