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Ninna Rinny and Tagor Pangaribuan Release the Answer to the Song Jangan Salah Menilai

Ninna Rinny and Tagor Pangaribuan Release the Answer to the Song Jangan Salah Menilai Tagor credit: Personal Documentation - Following the success of the song Jangan Salah Menilai, singer Tagor Pangaribuan is preparing to release a new song. The new song is titled Jangan Salah Menilai 2, which is an answer to the first song.

For the song Jangan Salah Menilai 2, Tagor collaborated with newcomer singer Ninna Rinny Darmawan. Tagor intentionally chose this female vocalist from Manado because she has a unique and distinctive voice.

"I believe I made the right choice because her beautiful face can also break through the music scene," said Tagor on Thursday (25/3/2021).

1. Expected to be Easier to Remember

In this upcoming song, which will be released next month, it contains lyrics about the doubts of the woman who was always suspicious at that time. The verses of the song are created with simple words, hoping that they will be easier for the listeners to remember.

"In essence, in this response song, the woman answers all the doubts of the man who has always been faithful and loving until the end of time," she said.

Tagor added that they have also prepared an interesting music video so that the song can be enjoyed on various video platforms.

"Hopefully, this song that I have created can also skyrocket like the first song, because most of the melodies and lyrics conveyed are not far different from the previous song," said Tagor.

2. Very Honored

Meanwhile, Ninna Rinny admitted that she is very honored to be able to duet and sing the song that previously "exploded." Although there is certainly a heavy burden in singing the response song Don't Judge Wrongly, everything can be overcome well.

"In addition to being a duet partner, Bang Tagor is also a good teacher and has taught me many things," she said.

3. Hoping to Bring a Fresh Vibe

Ninna herself is a newcomer artist who has been involved in the music industry since her teenage years. She has participated in various competitions and performed in several events. "I have always had a passion for singing, and this time I dared to perform. Especially now that I have to be compared to Bang Tagor, who undoubtedly has a lot of fans," she added.

By entering the music industry in Indonesia, Ninna hopes that her voice can bring a fresh vibe to the listeners. She also hopes that the single she sings with Togar Pangaribuan can be as popular as her previous songs that are continuously heard by the Indonesian people. "Bang Tagor himself admits that he still has many other projects with different songs prepared for the listeners," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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