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Poured by Heavy Rain, Eva Celia Remains Enthusiastic Performing at Joyland Bali Despite Being Soaked

Poured by Heavy Rain, Eva Celia Remains Enthusiastic Performing at Joyland Bali Despite Being Soaked Eva Celia © Novi - A bright night on Peninsula Island, Nusa Dua, Bali, suddenly turned cloudy and heavy rain just as Eva Celia performed at Joyland Festival on the second day, Saturday, (2/3). Eva started her performance at 20:15 WITA and the rain came within minutes after she went on stage.

The drizzle turned into a storm when Eva performed her first song. After the first song, Eva took a break to rearrange the equipment on stage, then continued her performance.

"This is a stormy rain. It's so exciting though. Thank you to all of you who stayed to watch despite the rain," said Eva.

1. Wet and Soaked

Performing at Joyland is not the first time for Eva, she has performed at this festival before. However, performing in the middle of a stormy rain, this is the first time Eva experiences it.

"It turns out to be exciting, just like in a music video," said Eva, who looks beautiful in a black dress.

Although she had hiccups, Eva did not reduce her enthusiasm to continue her performance on stage. "I think I caught a cold," she said.

2. Enthusiastic Audience

Heavy rain was still pouring when Eva sang her last song. She performed the song C.H.R.I.S.Y.E, which made the audience sing along from the beginning to the end.

The audience remained enthusiastic to sing along with Eva on the Joyland stage. Most of them wore raincoats and brought umbrellas, but there were also those who enjoyed the rain and danced happily to Eva's songs.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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