Latest Update Regarding Bring Me The Horizon's Comeback to Indonesia, Getting Closer to Reality!
Ravel Entertainment provides a major clue regarding the return of Bring Me The Horizon to Jakarta. - Another classy music concert is set to spoil music lovers in the country. Yes, the concert titled Winter Concert will be held at Trans Snow World Bintaro, South Tangerang on June 7th and 8th, 2024.
The concert, organized by Jakarta Experience Board (JXB) and produced by ImaginAction, will feature international and Indonesian musicians. American R&B group, Color Me Badd, will be there to greet their audience in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the lineup of Indonesian musicians who will perform includes Andien, Iwa K, SamSons, HiVi, and also The Groove.
Creator & Founder of ImaginAction, Dino Hamid, stated that Winter Concert will bring a different concept. Performers will appear in the midst of artificial snow with a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius.
Winter Concert (Credit: Special)
"Finally, I want to give something new to the world of performances. I want to create an alternative that can be enjoyed by both musicians and audiences," said Dino Hamid in a press conference at Trans Snow World Bintaro, South Tangerang, on Tuesday (7/5).
With the concept presented, the audience will also experience a new experience of watching a concert by wearing winter clothes. According to Dino, this is an innovation in a performance that can be enjoyed with family.
"Winter Concert is our latest innovative concept that can be enjoyed by all music lovers, especially families," continued Dino.
Meanwhile, Andien admitted to being impressed with the presented concept. Andien, who has collaborated with Dino Hamid in the Metamorfosa concert, always admires the concepts offered by Dino Hamid.
"I see that Dino creates various ideas. He always surprises us, everything he creates can be accounted for," said Andien.
Winter Concert will present 3 shows. Here are the ticket prices for Winter Concert:
Day 1 (Friday, June 7, 2024) - Color Me Badd & SamSons
Presale tickets for all categories have been sold out
Regular Ticket | Phase 1
Festival B Rp. 400,000 | Festival A Rp. 600,000 | VIP Rp. 1,250,000
Regular Ticket | Phase 2
To be announced soon
*) prices do not include Government Tax, Platform Fee, & Performing Rights Fee
Day 2 (Saturday, June 8, 2024) - Color Me Badd & The Groove feat. Tiara Effendy, Andien Aisyah, and Iwa K.
Presale tickets for all categories have been sold out
Regular Ticket | Phase 1
Festival B Rp. 400,000 | Festival A Rp. 600,000 | VIP Rp. 1,250,000
Regular Ticket | Phase 2
To be announced soon
*) prices do not include Government Tax, Platform Fee, & Performing Rights Fee
For the ticket prices of Winter Concert: Afternoon Special Show featuring HiVi! (Saturday, June 8, 2024 | 15.00 WIB), they are as follows:
Regular Ticket | Phase 1
Festival B Rp. 175,000 | Festival A Rp. 200,000 | VIP Rp. 350,000
Regular Ticket | Phase 2
To be announced soon
*) prices do not include Government Tax, Platform Fee
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