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Success Stunning Performance at 'DreamMark Festival', Angie Zelena Immediately Gets Gig Offers

Success Stunning Performance at 'DreamMark Festival', Angie Zelena Immediately Gets Gig Offers Angie Zelena successfully performed stunningly at DreamMark Festival (Credit: Special) - Various music festivals are once again bustling, at least until mid-2023. One that is eagerly awaited is the DreamMark Festival 2023, held at Dago Dream Park, Bandung, on Saturday, July 15, 2023.

Angie Zelena performed at the event. Angie herself is still in a less fit condition as she has just come out of the hospital after a week of treatment. Nevertheless, Angie looked enthusiastic, especially as she performed accompanied by Meiska.

“I feel very happy to have the opportunity to perform on stage, especially accompanied by Meiska, who is the same generation as me on The Voice and now we are together on the same label at Sony Music. Ahahhaha, is this really the organizer's plan if I faint,” said Angie recently.

Interestingly, they had changed the order of the songs that had been arranged.

1. Change Song Order

"Finally, we decided to change the order of the songs that have been arranged before, but it's not a problem. Especially since my band members are already very familiar with this song, as am I," she continued.

"Yes, the first song we performed was Bang Jaz Hayat's debut single, 'Dari Mata'. And the plan proved to be successful. The audience, who were still scattered in various areas, finally started to look and gather around our stage,” added Angie Zelena.

2. Happy and Excited

Coming down from the stage, her face looked very happy. She immediately approached Meiska and they hugged each other tightly. They briefly stopped when their manager approached them, but they quickly jumped back in excitement.

"Someone saw my performance today and asked me to perform again in September. Please pray for everything to go smoothly,” said Angie as she went back to her tent.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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