Kapanlagi.com - Potatoes are one of the most popular tubers worldwide. In fact, potatoes are one of the good sources of carbohydrates besides rice. That's why potatoes are often a substitute for rice for those who do not consume rice. Having many contents, it's no wonder that potato benefits are numerous for body health.
Even now, potatoes have become an important staple in Europe. Having a delicious taste, it's no wonder that potatoes are a widely loved food by people worldwide. There are already many potato preparations that you can consume with various simple to luxurious preparations.
What are the benefits of potatoes for body health? According to various sources, let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Content in Potatoes

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In addition to knowing the benefits of potatoes, you also need to know what content is in potatoes. This content is certainly very good for your body's health. And here are some of the contents found in potatoes:
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
From all of these contents, it is no wonder that potatoes have many benefits for the body. In fact, potatoes are believed to be one of the foods that can help overcome various health problems.
2. Normal Blood Pressure
The first benefit of potatoes is that they can help stabilize blood pressure. Potatoes have a good source of potassium, even more than bananas. And it is this potassium content that can help reduce high blood pressure and stabilize blood pressure.
Potassium is a mineral that can help lower blood pressure by stimulating blood vessels to widen. In addition, potatoes also contain calcium and magnesium which play a role in controlling normal blood pressure.
Even according to Live Science, the Institute for Food Research has found that potatoes also contain chemicals called kukoamines. And this content is one of the chemical contents to lower blood pressure.
3. Helping Digestion

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Not only does it provide a feeling of fullness, it turns out that potatoes can also help facilitate digestion, KLovers. This is because potatoes contain resistant starch which can help improve the digestive system.
When potatoes enter the intestines, this resistant starch will be consumed by good bacteria. Then these good bacteria will convert it into short-chain fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids have a lot of benefits for health.
For example, reducing the risk of inflammation in the large intestine, strengthening the defense of the large intestine, and reducing the risk of colon cancer. In addition, the short-chain fatty acids from resistant starch are also very important in helping people who are experiencing intestinal infections.
4. Providing Brain and Nervous System Health
Not only that, potatoes can also provide brain and nervous system health, KLovers. This is because the vitamin B6 content in potatoes is very important for maintaining the health of neurons or nerves. Vitamin B6 helps create brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
In addition, the potassium content found in potatoes can also promote blood vessel dilation and help ensure that the brain receives enough blood. So if you want to have brain and nervous system health, you can consume potatoes.
5. Maintaining Heart Health

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Not only does potato provide brain and nerve health, it also helps maintain heart function. This is because potatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin B6, which help reduce free radicals in heart cells and other body cells.
In addition, vitamin B6 also plays an important role in a process inside the body called methylation. So it can help maintain your heart health. With that, the heart is well-maintained.
6. Preventing Cancer
Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases for the body. This disease is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world after heart disease. Cancer is also one of the diseases that arise due to an unhealthy lifestyle that has been followed for a long time.
To overcome this, you can prevent the risk of cancer by using the benefits of potatoes. This is because potatoes contain folate, which plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair, thus preventing various types of cancer cells. Intake of vegetables such as potatoes is believed to prevent colorectal cancer.
In addition, the vitamin C content in potatoes and quercetin also functions as antioxidants, thereby protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. And reduce the risk of cancer that occurs in the body.
7. Control Blood Sugar

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For diabetes sufferers, potatoes are indeed one of the staple foods, because white rice is one of the foods that is highly prohibited for diabetes sufferers. This is because white rice can increase blood sugar levels. And potatoes are an alternative source of carbohydrates.
This is because it can reduce diabetes or control blood sugar levels in the body. The starch content in potatoes will increase blood sugar control. In addition, the low sodium intake found in potatoes is very important for maintaining blood pressure.
8. Turning Nutrients into Energy
Potatoes can indeed provide incredible energy to the body. So it's no wonder that potatoes are often chosen as a source of carbohydrates for those who are on a diet. This is because potatoes can convert their nutrients into healthy energy.
The high vitamin B6 content in potatoes functions to break down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. Both are the main fuel sources for the body. So potatoes are very suitable for those of you who are on a diet.
9. Controlling Weight

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Not only that, another benefit of potatoes is that they can help control weight. Yup! This tuber is very suitable for those of you who want to lose weight. By consuming boiled potatoes, it will not cause weight gain. Instead, it will help you lose weight, KLovers.
This is because potatoes contain dietary fiber which functions as a food reserve in the body and makes you feel full for a longer time. This can help you consume food while your body still has energy reserves for daily activities.
10. Good for Bone Health
It turns out that potatoes are also very good for bone health, KLovers. Bone strength is indeed one of the main factors to prevent osteoporosis in old age. And to obtain these nutrients, you can use the benefits of potatoes for your bone health.
This is because potatoes contain several beneficial substances for bones such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. You can consume potatoes regularly to get the results. Besides, you can also give potatoes to children who are still in their growth phase.
11. Good for Muscles

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the last benefit of potatoes is that they are good for your body muscles. This is because potatoes contain choline, which is an essential and versatile nutrient found in potatoes.
The content in potatoes can help move muscles, stabilize the liver, and improve brain memory. One large potato contains 57 milligrams of choline. So it is very good for muscle formation for those of you who are in a body muscle formation program.
Those are 10 benefits of potatoes for body health, which are rarely known. Not only can it be a substitute for rice, but potatoes are also very good for your body health when consumed regularly.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.