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10 Natural, Safe, and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Dog Fleas

10 Natural, Safe, and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Dog Fleas How to Get Rid of Dog Fleas (credit: freepik) - Dogs are indeed one of the smartest and cutest pets. Their cute behavior always succeeds in improving their owner's mood. It's no wonder that many people idolize them. However, most dog owners are also faced with dog health problems such as fleas, which certainly cause panic for the dog owners.

Yes, fleas often attack pets and cause itching in animals. Flea bites can cause wounds and bumps, and can even make dogs stressed. Not to mention when the dog scratches its fur and causes it to shed.

As a dog owner, of course, you don't want to see your dog constantly scratching its body because of the fleas nesting in its fur. Therefore, this problem must be immediately addressed so that the dog can be comfortable and well-maintained. Well, here are a series of ways to get rid of dog fleas that you need to know. Let's take a look at the review.


1. Lemon

The first way to get rid of fleas on dogs is by using lemon. This fruit with a sour taste is proven to be effective as a flea spray. To use it, first slice the lemon and boil it with a little water until it boils.

Then wait until the solution cools down and spray it on the dog. However, you need to be careful and make sure it doesn't get into the dog's eyes.


2. Rosemary

Rosemary, which is usually used as a cooking spice, is also known as a natural flea repellent. This is because the aroma of rosemary is disliked by fleas and makes them immediately disappear from the dog's fur.

This relatively easy method can be done to take care of your beloved dog. You can plant this flower near the cage or in other places where the dog plays.


3. Coconut Oil

Furthermore, one way to get rid of dog fleas is by using coconut oil. Apparently, coconut oil not only has numerous benefits for humans, but also for animals. The method to eliminate dog fleas with coconut oil is simply by applying one teaspoon of coconut oil directly onto the dog's skin.

Coconut oil not only helps repel fleas, but also makes the dog's skin and fur shiny and can reduce body odor. You can also add coconut oil to the dog's food. This can treat intestinal parasites due to the antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties of coconut oil.


4. Lavender Oil

Lavender aroma is a quite popular scent used to repel all kinds of insects, including fleas on animals, including dogs. Fleas dislike the smell of lavender. To utilize it, you only need to prepare lavender oil and spray it onto the dog. For maximum effect, use it after bathing the dog.


5. Apple Cider Vinegar

The next way to get rid of fleas is by using apple cider vinegar. You can add apple cider vinegar to your dog's drinking water. One teaspoon of vinegar for every four glasses of water is a good measurement to make this mixture. Not only will you get rid of fleas, but your dog's fur and skin will also benefit from apple cider vinegar.


6. Vinegar Water

Vinegar water is a natural ingredient that is quite effective and easy to use in getting rid of fleas on dogs. The method is quite simple, you just need to make a mixture of vinegar water and regular water with a composition of 50:50. Then, heat the mixture over medium heat and use it as a spray for your dog's fur.


7. Salt Water

An easy and powerful way to get rid of fleas is by using salt. Besides being easy to find in the kitchen, this seasoning is also cheap to buy. The benefits of salt water are said to be able to eliminate fleas and also eradicate flea eggs.

To get the benefits, you simply need to make a salt water solution using warm water. Then, use the solution to soak your dog. Make sure the salt solution is not too hot.


8. Mimba Leaves

Do you know about mimba leaves? Although it sounds unfamiliar, mimba leaves can be used as a way to get rid of fleas on dogs. The leaves, which are commonly used in traditional medicine, have an aroma that fleas dislike. The application method is to boil a sufficient amount of mimba leaves and bathe the dog using the resulting water.


9. Pet Dog Hair Comb

An easy way to get rid of dog fleas is by combing your pet dog's hair using a flea comb. The teeth of the flea comb are specially designed to trap fleas easily.

The flea comb also helps remove flea dirt. Make sure to pay special attention when combing the dog's neck and tail area, as that is where fleas often find their food.


10. Maintaining Cleanliness of the Cage

In addition to using the above methods, it's not complete if you don't also maintain the cleanliness of the cage or dog bed. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the cage to prevent odor and keep the dog's health in check, as well as to prevent them from being easily attacked by fleas.

Those are a series of ways to get rid of dog fleas that you can try to keep your pet dog clean and well-maintained. Hopefully, it's useful.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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