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Important to Know, This is the Ideal Sleep Duration Based on Age

Important to Know, This is the Ideal Sleep Duration Based on Age Ideal sleep duration (credit: - The ideal sleep duration for someone actually has certain categories based on age groups. The difference in someone's sleep hours is influenced by various factors including certain activities. Therefore, it is important to understand the duration of sleep hours based on age groups in order to know the ideal resting time accurately.

Sleep is a mandatory need that cannot be neglected. Lack of sleep can have a negative impact on body health. Similarly, excessive sleep can also make the body vulnerable to certain health problems.

For example, when you lack sleep, it can trigger health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, insomnia, or even premature aging. In addition, the average sleep hours for adults are around 7-8 hours per day. However, this condition is categorized again based on various age levels.

That's why it is important to understand the ideal sleep duration based on certain age groups that can help you get enough and balanced rest. For more complete information about the ideal sleep duration, here is a summary from various sources.



1. Sleep Duration in Infants

The ideal duration of sleep based on the first age is the sleep duration in infants. The duration of sleep in infants has a certain time that is important to know for every parent. The long duration of sleep in infants is as follows:

Infants aged 0-3 months:

Infants aged 0-3 months need a longer duration of sleep compared to other age ranges. That is why infants spend more time sleeping than being awake, especially after being born. This period usually occurs until the age of 3 months, requiring a sleep duration of around 14 to 18 hours per day.

Infants aged 4-11 months:

As the baby's age increases, in the range of 4-11 months, the duration of sleep will decrease. However, at this age, babies still need a similar duration of sleep, ranging from around 12 to 15 hours per day.



2. Sleep Duration in Children

After discussing the duration of sleep in infants, as they grow older, the duration of sleep will also decrease. One of them occurs in the age range of children. The sleep duration for children of different ages that you can recognize is as follows:

Children aged 1-2 years:

In the age range of 1 to 2 years, the duration of sleep will decrease. The sleep time for children of this age is around 11 to 14 hours per day. During this period, children have experienced a growth phase that still requires balanced rest time.

Children aged 3-5 years:

In the age range of 3 to 5 years, the duration of sleep will also decrease. At this age, children need about 10 to 13 hours of sleep per day. At this age, a child has entered the pre-school phase, which requires sufficient sleep time.

Children aged 6-13 years:

As they get older, the sleep time will also decrease. One of them is the age range of 6 to 13 years, where the sleep time is 9 to 11 hours per day. At this age range, a child has entered the school phase.



3. Duration of Sleep in Teenagers

In adolescence, a child obtains a decreasing duration of sleep. The duration of sleep in adolescence is as follows:

Sleep duration for teenagers aged 14-17 years:

Adolescence usually occurs between the ages of 14-17 years. This is a period of puberty for a child. During this period, teenagers in that age range need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day.



4. Duration of Sleep in Adults

Adults are also categorized based on their age. Among them are young adults and adults. These ages generally require a certain duration of sleep based on their age group.

Sleep duration for ages 18-25 years:

During this age, a person needs a sleep duration of approximately 7 to 9 hours per day, as they have entered adulthood.

Sleep duration for ages 26-64 years:

The recommended sleep duration for ages 26-64 years is between 7 to 9 hours per day. During this time, a person has entered adulthood and is approaching the premenopausal period.



5. Sleep Duration in Seniors

In old age, the duration of sleep will decrease. The sleep duration in old age is as follows.

Age over 65 years:

At the age over 65 years, a person needs to sleep for 7 to 8 hours per day. However, the sleep duration can decrease to a range of 6 hours per day.

So, that's the duration of sleep that needs to be known, the ideal sleep duration based on certain age groups. Consultation with a doctor can be considered again to determine the exact sleep duration according to your needs.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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