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Many People Don't Know, Apparently These Are the 8 Real Benefits of Baby Oil

Many People Don't Know, Apparently These Are the 8 Real Benefits of Baby Oil Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Baby oil, or better known as baby oil, is one of the skincare products for babies. But besides for babies, it turns out that baby oil has many benefits for adults too, KLovers. In fact, many adults use baby oil for their beauty.

Baby oil is specially made for baby's comfort, with odorless and colorless ingredients. Just like petroleum jelly, baby oil is a product of refined oil or a certain process. Baby oil consists of 98% mineral oil and 2% fragrance. Baby oil is a hypoallergenic (non-allergenic) and free from paraben, phthalate, and dye content.

But besides for baby's skin, what are the benefits of baby oil for the body? As reported from various sources, let's check them out KLovers.


1. Softening and Moisturizing the Skin

The first benefit of baby oil is that it can soften and moisturize your body's skin. For those of you who have dry skin, you can overcome this by using baby oil. That's because baby oil can provide nutrition and soften the skin in a relatively short time.

This baby oil can also be used on other parts of the body that often experience dryness, such as the knees, feet, and elbows. You can regularly apply baby oil to your body before bed, or after bathing regularly.


2. Treating Dry Lips

Not only does baby oil help with dry skin, but it is also very good for treating dry lips. Dry lips usually become cracked and can disrupt your appearance. It not only looks bad when wearing lipstick, but dry lips can also make it difficult to eat due to the stinging sensation.

You can try applying a little baby oil to your lips for instant relief when they feel dry. Because baby oil applied to the lips can help increase moisture, try using baby oil regularly when your lips are cracked.


3. Cleaning Makeup

Having trouble cleaning makeup? Don't worry KLovers, you can use baby oil to clean makeup completely. Because makeup that is not thoroughly cleaned can cause acne. Not only that KLovers, baby oil can also remove waterproof mascara in an instant.

So you can use baby oil first, then clean it using a facial cleanser and soap. By using 3 steps in cleaning the face, your facial skin will be completely clean and free from acne-causing dirt.


4. Concealing Eye Bags

Apparently, another benefit of baby oil is that it can conceal eye bags KLovers. Baby oil is rich in Vitamin E and helps reduce eye bags. Not only can it make eye bags disappear, but it can also eliminate dark circles around the eyes when using baby oil.

The method is quite easy KLovers, you just need to apply baby oil around the eye area before bed at night. Do this regularly KLovers, to get maximum results.


5. Moisturizing Scalp and Hair

Not only can it moisturize the face, but baby oil can also moisturize your scalp and hair, KLovers. Baby oil creates a barrier to prevent moisture loss through evaporation of water in the hair cuticle. Baby oil can lock in moisture and prevent dry hair from wind and sun damage.

Baby oil can also be a natural protector for using hair styling tools such as hairdryers or straighteners. Not only that, dry scalp can damage the hair roots and slow down hair growth. So by using baby oil, the scalp will remain moisturized and healthy.


6. Strengthening Hair Roots

Not only that, baby oil can also strengthen your hair roots, KLovers. Using baby oil as a pretreatment can maintain the strength of your hair. This prevents hair from becoming brittle, dry, and falling out.

Brittle hair tends to absorb a lot of water. This causes each strand of hair to swell and leads to hair damage. Using baby oil on the hair can protect it from heat and chemicals like chlorine in water. This can make the hair stronger.


7. Relieving Itching on the Skin

Do you have itching on your skin? Or do you have skin conditions caused by bacteria or fungi? Then you can use baby oil to help relieve discomfort on the skin, such as itching. This is usually common in people with dry skin and skin conditions, such as psoriasis.

Not only that, in a study, it was found that in people undergoing hemodialysis, the itching caused significantly reduced when massaging the body with baby oil. And this should be done for at least 15 minutes per day for 3 consecutive weeks.


8. Balancing Facial pH

And the last benefit of baby oil is that it can balance the pH of the facial skin. The ideal pH scale for human facial skin should be acidic, below 7. For adults, the average pH level of good skin is between 4.2 - 5.6, and men usually have slightly more acidic pH levels than women.

If the facial pH is unbalanced, it will cause damage to your skin. And to regulate this, you can use baby oil. By regularly applying baby oil, you will be able to balance the pH of your face and reduce redness and irritation caused by rough friction on the skin.

Those are the 8 benefits of baby oil for your body. It is not only beneficial for babies, but baby oil is also incredibly effective in addressing various adult problems.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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