Kapanlagi.com - Tahajud prayer is one of the highly regarded voluntary prayers, compared to other voluntary prayers.Not only for worship, in fact, the benefits of Tahajud prayer for life are also very numerous, KLovers.It's no wonder that many Muslims compete to perform this voluntary prayer.
You can obtain various virtues when performing Tahajud prayer regularly.Tahajud prayer can be performed at any time from after Isha prayer until the time of Fajr prayer.However, the most recommended time is the last third of the night.
How extraordinary this Tahajud prayer is, what are the benefits of Tahajud prayer for life?As reported from various sources, let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Answered Prayers

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first benefit of Tahajud prayer is the acceptance of prayers that we hope for. As stated by the Prophet Muhammad,
"Our Lord, Blessed and Exalted, descends to the worldly sky every night when the last third of the night remains, and He says: Whoever seeks My forgiveness, I will forgive him. Whoever seeks something from Me, I will grant it to him. And whoever prays to Me, I will answer him." (HR. Bukhari).
However, it all depends on the intention and the will of Allah SWT, KLovers. It does not mean that if our prayers are not granted, Allah has not listened to them. Perhaps what we hope for is not the best from Allah SWT, because indeed Allah SWT knows best what is best for His servants.
2. Bridge to Enter Heaven
The next benefit of performing tahajud prayer is that it can become a bridge for us to enter Allah's heaven. By performing tahajud prayer, not only can our prayers be answered, but it is also one of the keys to enter heaven.
In a hadith said by Prophet Muhammad to Abdullah Ibn Muslim, regarding the specialness of tahajud prayer. "O people! Spread peace, share food, maintain kinship ties, and establish the night prayer while others are sleeping, and surely you will enter heaven safely." (HR. Ibn Majah).
That is why tahajud prayer is one of the noble sunnah prayers. Because only those who sincerely intend to wake up in the night to meet Allah can obtain His heaven.
3. Attaining Glory

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Not only is the worship itself noble, but it is also true that those who perform the night prayer will attain glory in both this world and the hereafter. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"Jibril came to me and said, 'O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you will die. Love those whom you love, for you will be separated from them. Do what you desire, for you will be rewarded. Know that the glory of a Muslim is in praying at night and not needing to be honored by others.'" (Narrated by Al-Baihaqi).
Therefore, it is not surprising that this glory will appear and manifest itself in someone who performs the night prayer with the intention for the sake of Allah. And this glory comes in various forms that Allah will bestow upon His servants who perform the night prayer.
4. Attaining a Noble Position
Not only will you receive glory, but you will also attain a noble position in the eyes of Allah SWT by performing the tahajud prayer. This is because Allah SWT loves His servants who frequently pray and complain to Him.
Allah SWT loves His servants who worship with devotion and spend a lot of time with Him. As stated in the Quran, Surah Al-Israa, verse 79:
"And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud as an additional worship for you; it may be that your Lord will raise you to a praised position." (Quran, Al-Israa: 79).
From this hadith, it is clear that Allah SWT will bestow glory upon His servants who pray and perform the tahajud prayer with devotion and sincere intentions.
5. As a Remover of Sins

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In addition to having our prayers answered, the benefits of tahajud prayer can also prevent us from committing sins and erase previous sins. Surely as humans, we are never free from sin. However, by performing tahajud prayer, it can be one way for us to redeem those sins. As the Prophet Muhammad said,
"Establish the night prayer, for indeed the night prayer is the practice of the righteous before you, (the night prayer can) bring you closer to your Lord (Allah), (the night prayer is) as a redemption for bad deeds (sins), prevents sinful acts, and protects oneself from diseases that attack the body." (HR. Ahmad).
6. Good for Body Health
Another benefit of tahajud prayer is that it is good for body health. Medically, it is believed that performing tahajud prayer can improve the immune system, regulate blood flow in the body, promote lung health and cleanliness, and bring peace to the heart and mind. And of course, this has been proven to be extraordinary for those of you who often perform tahajud prayer.
7. Practices that Will Help in the Hereafter

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For someone who performs the tahajud prayer, besides being one of the pathways to paradise, it will also lighten their punishment on the Day of Judgment. As reported in almanhaj, Al-Awza'i said,
"I heard that whoever performs the night prayer for a long time, Allah will lighten their punishment on the Day of Judgment."
So it is not surprising that the benefits of tahajud prayer motivate many Muslims to compete in obtaining the best rewards bestowed by Allah upon His servants.
8. Very Close to Allah
Another benefit of tahajud prayer is that it can bring us very close to Allah. This is because tahajud prayer is one of the prayers loved by Allah, which refers to the prayer performed by Prophet Dawud (David) peace be upon him. As Jabir bin 'Abdillah Radhiyallahu anhu said that he heard the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying:
"The prayer most loved by Allah is the prayer of Prophet Dawud and the fasting most loved by Allah is the fasting of Prophet Dawud. He used to sleep half the night, wake up for a third of the night, sleep again for a sixth of the night, and fast one day and break the fast the next day."
By performing what is loved by Allah, Allah will love us in return and bring us closer to Him.
9. Providing Tranquility

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All worship will provide us with tranquility, including tahajud prayer. Not only able to provide peace of heart, tahajud prayer also provides the benefit of tranquility of the soul.
The closer we get to Allah SWT as a form of our love and gratitude, the heart will be more peaceful in living life. Tahajud prayer is also performed in the last third of the night, where at that time the body condition is very good, fresh, and calm. So that we are given tranquility in life, and eliminate various kinds of stress.
10. Improving Blood Circulation
The next benefit of tahajud prayer is that it can improve blood circulation. This is not just a myth, it has been proven medically, KLovers. As it is known, tahajud prayer is performed in the last third of the night, around 3 a.m.
And at that time, the air is not yet polluted, which can make the lungs healthy, improve blood circulation, and maintain overall health. So by regularly performing tahajud prayer, we will make our bodies healthier.
11. Improving the Immune System

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the last benefit of tahajud prayer is that it can improve the immune system. Not only does tahajud prayer improve blood circulation, but it also makes the body healthier. This is because the immune system is obtained through tahajud prayer.
In a study, it is mentioned that the practice of tahajud prayer is considered to be able to enhance the response of the immunologic body's resistance. This means that the body is in a stable condition and the immune system improves, thus maintaining the body's health.
12. Intention for Tahajud Prayer
To perform tahajud prayer, you need to make the same intention as other prayers. And here is the intention for tahajud prayer along with its meaning:
Ushallii sunnatat tahajjudi rak'ataini (mustaqbilal qiblati) lillaahi ta'aalaa.
Meaning: "I intend to perform two units of sunnah tahajud prayer (facing the qibla) for the sake of Allah Taala."
Those are the 11 benefits of tahajud prayer that you can experience in your life and body. It is not only a form of worship, but tahajud prayer also has extraordinary benefits for your life and body's health.
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