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120 Words for the Most Beautiful Ex That Make You Sad But You Have to Move On

120 Words for the Most Beautiful Ex That Make You Sad But You Have to Move On Words for ex (credit: - Love sometimes makes heartbroken, especially when remembering the memories of the ex who is the most beautiful figure. The person who once filled your days is still so vivid in memory. Especially if they left a sweet memory that makes it difficult for the heart to let go. However, the failure of a relationship should make you have the courage to accept the reality of parting from the ex. Words for the ex can only be expressed through a post.

The ex is someone who was once so special in life but the relationship had to end halfway. The status that was once bound changed into the term ex, whether it's an ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, or ex-wife. Having many beautiful memories shared together makes the ex hard to forget.

As a result, the term the most beautiful ex is like a fitting description for the figure that once existed in your life. However, you also cannot linger in sadness and sweet memories with them. Words for the ex can be one of the easy references to forget the ex.

Words for the most beautiful ex can be shown to the ex who represents your current feelings. A number of words for the most beautiful ex are summarized in several points below, which may be an inspiration for those of you who have had a difficult time forgetting them.

Here are words for the most beautiful ex compiled by from various sources, although they may make you baper (sad), you must move on immediately.



1. Words for the Most Beautiful Ex

you about the figure of the ex. Although it makes you sad and difficult to forget, but you also can't dwell in sadness. Moving on is the only way to quickly recover from a failed relationship. The words for the most beautiful ex are as follows.

Words for the most beautiful ex:

1. "I'm jealous but unable to speak, I'm angry but unable to scold, I want to leave but love you too much."

2. "Thank you for all the memories you have given."

3. "I won't be able to hate you, because this love is greater than anything."

4. "Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve."

5. "Love is worth fighting for, but it becomes unworthy if you're the only one fighting."

6. "Because for me, loving you alone is something special."

7. "How can I throw away memories when you are always in the shadow of my memory."

8. "Once we fought for each other, until finally now we have to let go of each other."

9. "I hope you don't let someone who has left you make you sad."

10. "Sometimes, we have to let go of the person we love. To protect our hearts and be able to survive without pain."

11. "One day, my heart won't hurt when I hear your name."

12. "God, if he's not meant for me, give me someone better, at least someone who can erase this pain."

13. "I may be fine, but I don't really feel that way."

14. "One of the simplest ways to stay happy is to let go of things that make you sad."

15. "You are still the annoying person that I often miss."

16. "Every story must have a beginning and an end."

17. "No matter how you try to decode it, it's useless, realize that their heart already belongs to someone else."

18. "When I see your photo while smiling, in my heart I just say briefly, I miss you."

19. "I'm not forcing you to love me again, but I'm leading you to love me again like before, but it seems futile."

20. "If you're happy with him, I'm willing, but when you cry because of him, remember! I'm the first one to wipe your tears."



2. Words for Ex from Public Figures

Words for exes from several public figures may be an inspiration for you to describe the figure of an ex. Although it feels difficult to forget the most beautiful ex, the reality will still exist. The words for exes from public figures are as follows.

Words for exes from public figures:


21. "Let the relationship go, keep the lessons." - l.j.vanier?

22. "Some of us think that holding on makes us strong, but sometimes what makes us strong is letting go." - Herman Hesse

23. "Letting go means realizing that some people are part of your life story, but not part of your destiny." - Steve Maraboli

24. "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell

25. "Not holding you back doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. It's just that sometimes it's better to let go than to force ourselves to stay together." - Boy Chandra

26. "Many people don't realize what they have until it's gone. But, that doesn't mean they should get it back." - Stephan Labossiere

27. "He will never come back," whispered my mind. "He should come back," screamed my heart. - Rupi Kaur

28. "I thought I still loved you, but I realized I only loved the memories of who you used to be." - Morgan Hanthorn

29. "He and I used to build dreams together. We will make that dream come true together, right? Yes, we should." - Dwitasari

30."I have only felt how torturous it is to lose you once. You can't be replaced, you're the one I always wait for." - Raisa

31. "And it has been known that love does not know its depth until the moment of separation." - Khalil Gibran

32. "The heartache may never heal. But, we can't just sit and stare at the wound forever." - Haruki Murakami

33. "He used to love me, but not anymore. And the world didn't end because of it." - Jennifer Weiner

34. "There is always a new day for every breath. There is always a new opportunity to smile again. A broken heart doesn't have to be forever, right?" - Fiersa Besari

35. "They say love shouldn't be selfish. Isn't the heart being selfish if half of it leaves in tears?" - Fiersa Besari

36. "Not holding you back doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. It's just that sometimes it's better to let go than to force staying together." - Boy Chandra

37. "Many people don't realize what they have until they lose it. But, that doesn't mean they should get it back." - Stephan Labossiere

38. "Forgetting it is the same as trying to remember someone you have never met." - Taylor Swift

39. "I thought I still love you, but I realize I only love the memories of who you used to be." - Morgan Hanthorn

40. "Why don't I forget the past? Because those memories and I haven't changed when everything else has, including you." - Abhinav Sakalle



3. Words for the Most Beautiful Ex to Quickly Move On

Although it takes quite a long time to move on from the most beautiful ex, you must still do it. Here are some words for the most beautiful ex to quickly move on.


41. "You, who I used to be proud of, who I used to worship, turned out to be the one who caused wounds."

42. "Stop crossing the ocean for someone who wouldn't even jump over a puddle for you."

43. "There will come a time when I start to forget you and walk away from your life."

44. "Sometimes there are times when we distance ourselves like strangers."

45. "You have to realize, when they no longer keep in touch, it's because they're chasing someone else."

46. "Because I realize my attention is just a disturbance to you."

47. "May the best come, not just pass by and disappear."

48. "They already have someone else, give up."

49. "People can forgive more than you can imagine. But, you have to forgive yourself. Let go of the bitterness and move on." -Bill Cosby

50. "Sometimes people come into your life just to teach you how to let go."

51. "Sometimes holding on is more damaging than letting go."

52. "When you let go, you are truly free."

53. "Every time your heart breaks, a door opens to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities."

54. "Miss them? Yes. Miss them a lot. But can't do anything about it. Besides being buried and buried."

55. "I smile in front of you, doesn't mean I don't want to appear fragile, but I just want you to calm down seeing me already move on."

56." We just need a break to no longer feel hurt."

57. "And now, you're just a stranger who knows all my secrets."

58. "All those memories come back, but I know you will never come back."

59. "I still don't regret even though it ends like this. I was left by you. Because in the past, loving you was my choice."

60. "I'm not forcing you to love me again, but I'm guiding you to love me again like before, but it seems futile."



4. Words for Ex that Make You Feel Bad

Words for exes can also describe your feelings. The words for exes are as follows.

61. "You are free, you are strong, you are good, you are loved, you have worth, and you have a purpose."

62. "If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it. Everything and everyone you hate will be engraved in your heart."

63. "A broken heart hurts, but it will make you stronger."

64. "Sometimes it's better to leave your ex in the past than to bring the same mistakes into your future."

65. "Love is the most beautiful dream and the worst nightmare."

66. "One of the simplest ways to stay happy is to let go of the things that make you sad."

67. "Some of us think that holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it's letting go." - Herman Hesse

68. "People can forgive more than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what is bitter and move on." - Bill Cosby.

69. "Sometimes people come into your life just to teach you how to let go."

70. "Sometimes holding on hurts more than letting go."

71. "We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell

72. "Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny." - Steve Maraboli.

73. "I strongly believe that a bad relationship should end, no matter what."

74. "It hurts when someone who made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today."

75. "One of the simplest ways to stay happy is to let go of the things that make you sad."

76. "I strongly believe that a bad relationship should end, no matter what."

77. "Forget what hurts you, but never forget what it taught you."

78. "Love can be painful when you're not with the right person. But don't give up on love."

79. "Every time your heart breaks, a door opens to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities."

80. "If you give everything you have and it's not enough, you may be giving it to the wrong person."



5. Words from Ex that Make You Sad

The ex's words below can represent your sad feelings when remembering the memories with the ex. Although it's good to move on immediately, it cannot be denied that sometimes you remember the ex, especially if they left a difficult story to forget. The following are the ex's words that make you sad.

81. "We may no longer be on the same path, but our memories will never be forgotten. Those memories make me miss you until now."

82. "It may not be difficult to forget someone who laughed with us. But it's hard to forget someone who cried with us."

83. "Our story will truly never be forgotten. But I will always remember and cherish it, even though the pain becomes more painful when remembering it."

84. "It's painful to let go, but it will be even more painful to keep holding on."

85."We started with a simple word 'hello,' but ended with a complicated separation."

86. "The day when I understood everything was the day I stopped trying to find out everything. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go."

87. "My ex?" We are not friends, we are not enemies. We are just strangers with some memories."

88. "Maybe we get lost in translation, maybe I ask for too much. But maybe this is a masterpiece, till you tore it all up". - All Too Well (Taylor Swift)

89. "You used to mean everything to me, but now you're missing from my life. That's just how life is."

90. "Nothing is perfect in this world, including your current partner. Keep complementing each other, but not by bringing in someone else to be your heart's infidelity outlet."

91. "What do you do when the one who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?"

92. "It's sad how someone can go from being the reason you smile to being the reason you cry yourself to sleep."

93. "A broken heart is the worst. It's like having a broken rib. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe."

94. "Crying is how your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is."

95. "Let the relationship go, keep the lessons." - L.J. Vanier

96. "His hands became a replacement for mine to guide you. His shoulders became a replacement for mine for you to lean on. Let the drizzle, the twilight, a cup of tea, and a song verse be your replacements." - Fiersa Besari, Timeline

97. "I'm not forcing you to love me again, but I'm guiding you to love me again like before, but it seems in vain."

98. "I miss you like this, like a butterfly flying here and there, looking for sunflower petals, but never found."

99. "My memories love you so much, it always asks about you."

100. "Parting is so painful when the story is not over yet, but we have to close the book."



6. Words from Ex Full of Insults

A number of ex-words below are full of sarcasm for him. For example, sarcasm because he has betrayed, lied or hurt your feelings. Just listen to the review of ex-words that are full of sarcasm as follows.

101. "I'm not crying because of you. You're not worthy of my tears because my imagination of who you are is shattered by the truth of who you are."

102. "If you were happy before meeting someone, you can be happy when they leave."

103. "Since you left, I can breathe freely for the first time."

104. "Never argue with someone who believes their own lies."

105. "I don't know what's worse, someone who lies or someone who thinks I'm stupid enough to believe their lies."

106. "Being single is better than being lied to, betrayed, and unappreciated."

107. "Lies won't hurt you unless they're spoken by someone you trust."

108. "Cheating and lying don't just happen. They're intentional choices, so stop hiding behind the word 'mistake' when you get caught."

109. "Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock."

110. "Betrayal is a choice, not a mistake."

111. "I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me because your actions speak the truth."

112. "Be happy for my ex because he finally found someone as worthless as him."

113. "I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, burned, and broken, but somehow it still works."

114. "May your life be enjoyable with him. I'm done trying to be a part of it."

115. "Everything I liked about you is now what I hate about you."

116. "Keeping you locked in my heart for years was a bad choice. I should have set you free."

117. "I want to go to your house. Want to recite Yasin. You used to say you couldn't live without me, right?"

118. "My mother always taught me to donate my old toys to those in need."

119. "Dear ex, you are someone I don't want to forget, as a daily motorcycle taxi driver."

120. "Never regret. If it's good, it's extraordinary. If it's bad, it's an experience."

Those are 120 words for an ex that make you emotional but you must move on immediately. The words for an ex above can describe your feelings about someone who may have been a part of your life.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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