Kapanlagi.com - Subsidized Wage Assistance or abbreviated as BSU has become one of the popular topics of discussion. BSU is one of the government's efforts through the Ministry of Manpower, to assist the economically affected community due to the corona covid-19 pandemic. As the name suggests, this assistance comes in the form of wage subsidies for workers.
During the almost two years since the pandemic, BSU has been disbursed in several waves. Recently, BSU has become a hot topic of conversation again as the 5th wave is rumored to be disbursed in October. The distribution process of BSU will be carried out by the Manpower Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan). Therefore, prospective recipients who are workers must be registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.
In addition, there are several things that the general public, especially workers, need to know about BSU. So, let's directly see some of the explanations below that have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Terms for Receiving BSU

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BSU or Wage Subsidy Assistance is indeed intended for the general public who are classified as workers or laborers. However, not every worker can receive BSU. There are still several requirements that must be met for someone to be eligible for BSU. As quoted from bsu.kemnaker.go.id, the requirements are as follows.
1) The worker is an Indonesian citizen as evidenced by owning an ID card (NIK).
2) The worker is an active participant in the social security of BPJS Employment until June 2021.
3) The worker has a maximum salary or wage of Rp 3,500,000. However, for workers in areas with a provincial or district/city minimum wage greater than Rp 3,500,000, there are changes to the rules regarding the salary or wage limit. The salary limit is changed to a maximum of the rounded-up district/city minimum wage in thousands.
Example: The Karawang District minimum wage is Rp 4,798,312 rounded up to Rp 4,800,000.
4) Priority is given to workers in the consumer goods industry, transportation, various industries, property and real estate, trade and services except for Education and Health (according to BPJSTK sectoral data classification).
5) The worker works in an area that is at Level 3 and Level 4 of the PPKM.
2. How to Check BSU Acceptance Status

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After fulfilling the requirements above, you can check whether you are eligible to receive BSU or not through the official website kemnaker.go.id. For more details, you can follow the following steps, still quoted from bsu.kemnaker.go.id.
1) Open the browser, then visit the website kemnaker.go.id
2) If you don't have an account yet, you can first register on the website account.kemnaker.go.id/register (You can register by filling in personal data and using the OTP code that will be sent via SMS)
3) If you already have an account, you can directly login.
4) After successfully logging in, then add information to your personal data, such as profile photos, marital status, location, and so on.
5) After completing personal data and following instructions, you will immediately receive a notification regarding the status of BSU acceptance. The notification can mean:
- You are declared as a candidate recipient of BSU.
- You are declared not registered as a candidate recipient of BSU. However, it is recommended to immediately register if you meet the requirements.
- You have been designated as a BSU recipient and are in the distribution process.
- You are one of the recipients, and the BSU funds have been disbursed to your account.
3. BSU Distribution Process
As mentioned earlier, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will play a role in the BSU distribution process. For further details, BPJS will distribute BSU through banks that have collaborated. In this case, the banks referred to are the Himbara banks (State-Owned Banks Association) such as BRI, BNI, Mandiri, BTN) or Bank Syariah Indonesia (specifically for Aceh).
However, for recipients who do not have a Himbara bank account, there is no need to worry. BSU will still be distributed through a collective account system opened in collaboration between the Ministry of Manpower and the company where the worker or laborer works.
4. How to Withdraw BSU

(credit: unsplash)
For workers who have a Himbara bank account, BSU will be automatically deposited into their account. However, if you are a worker who does not have a Himbara bank account, there are several steps that need to be taken to withdraw BSU. The steps to withdraw BSU for workers with non-Himbara accounts are as follows.
1) Make sure you are registered as a BSU recipient by checking.
2) After checking and confirming that you are a recipient, take a screenshot of your name.
3) Then, you can go to the nearest Himbara bank to activate your account by bringing your ID card and other identification documents.
4) Once the collective account is activated, you can withdraw the funds or take the BSU in cash from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.
Those are some of the explanations about how to withdraw BSU. Don't forget to check, who knows you might be lucky. Good luck!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.