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How to Easily Check Indosat Packages, Via SMS, USSD, and Applications

How to Easily Check Indosat Packages, Via SMS, USSD, and Applications How to check internet packages (Credit: Pixabay) - Nowadays, the internet is considered a basic necessity. Indosat is one of the popular telecommunications service providers in Indonesia. There are many daily services accessed through the internet from the company. That is why you need to know how to check Indosat packages.

Without knowing how to check Indosat packages, you cannot know the remaining quota you have. However, you need to check it regularly to avoid running out of quota suddenly in urgent situations.

Now, to avoid inconvenience when running out of quota, you need to pay attention to information about how to check Indosat packages and how to refill the quota. Follow the steps to make it easier to access daily internet services.


1. How to Check Indosat Packages via USSD

Checking Indosat packages is easy to do through the call feature. You only need to enter the USSD code and follow the instructions provided. USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. This code is one of the technologies owned by telecommunications service providers to facilitate service access for users.

If you don't know how to do it, here's an explanation:

- Open the call feature on your phone.

- Dial the USSD code *123# and press "OK" or "Call".

- Select the menu to check your internet quota and you will receive a notification of the remaining quota.


2. How to Check Indosat Package via SMS

In addition to USSD, you can also check Indosat packages through SMS services. The process is similar to sending a regular message, but there is a format that you need to follow as follows.

- As usual, open the message menu on your phone.

- Type 'USAGE' in the message column and send it to the number 363.

- Wait a few moments until Indosat sends an SMS containing details of the data quota you have.


3. How to Check Indosat Package via MyIM3 Application

Along with technological advancements, telecommunication service companies are increasingly innovating. One of the results is an application that makes it easier for users to access services. You can also check Indosat packages through an application called MyIM3 as follows.

- First, you need to download the myIM3 application from the Google Play Store or App Store.

- Open the application and register first.

- However, if you have logged in before, you only need to enter your Indosat number.

- In the application page, you can directly see the remaining quota you have.


4. How to Check Indosat Package Through Operator

In addition to the self-service methods that you can access as mentioned above, there is still a way to check the Indosat package that you can do with the help of an operator. How to do it? Just follow the explanation below.

- For postpaid users of Matrix Ooredoo service, you need to press the number 111.

- It is important to note that this call is free of charge.

- Next, press the number 100 or 185 for those of you who use prepaid services such as IM3 Ooredoo and Mentari Ooredoo.

- Unlike before, this call will be charged at a rate of Rp 400.00.

- If you encounter problems such as running out of credit, you can also use a landline by calling the number +6221 5438 8888 or +6221 3000 3000.


5. How to Top Up Indosat Package

After knowing how to check the Indosat package, of course, you also need to know how to top up the package if you find your quota is running low. Therefore, it is important for you to know the information below.

1. Credit

Indosat has a service for purchasing internet quota packages using credit. You can buy the package by following the steps below.

- Type *123#, then press the Call icon button.

- Select number 2 for 'Freedom Internet Package', then press the Send button.

- Type the number of your chosen Freedom Internet package (2GB internet quota for Rp 6,900, 3GB (Rp 15,000), 5GB (Rp 25,000), 13GB (Rp 50,000), 21GB (Rp 75,000), and 30GB (Rp 100,000)) then press the Send button.

- Select number 1 (OK) to confirm your chosen Freedom Internet package.

- Wait for a moment until Indosat informs you that the transaction is successful.

In addition to the packages mentioned above, there are still many other quota packages that you can check yourself through *123#, yes, KLovers!

2. MyIM3 Application

- Login to the MyIM3 Application.

- After successfully logging in, select the Top Up menu.

- Click the Scan/Enter voucher menu.

- Click the barcode scan icon on the right side of the voucher code column.

- Enter your voucher number and click continue.

Well, KLovers, those are some practical ways to check Indosat packages that you can follow. In addition, you can also follow the procedure for topping up Indosat packages if you find that your quota is almost running out.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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