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How to Write Clear and Correct Package Addresses, Understand to Reach the Destination Address

How to Write Clear and Correct Package Addresses, Understand to Reach the Destination Address How to write package addresses (credit: unsplash) - Sending packages or goods through delivery services has become a common thing nowadays. Especially with the emergence of online shopping habits, it increases the frequency of people sending or receiving package items. In sending goods, writing the package address becomes an important thing to consider.

This is because the package address must be written completely and clearly. If not, the package that is sent may be at risk of getting lost or not reaching the destination address. If that happens, both the sender and the recipient will suffer losses. Therefore, it is important to know the correct way to write package addresses to ensure they arrive safely at the destination.

Unfortunately, writing package addresses should not be done carelessly. There are several things to consider when writing package addresses to make them clear and easy to locate. Therefore, read the following review about the procedure for writing addresses on packages, which has been summarized by from various sources.



1. Write the Recipient's Name Clearly

Writing the name is one of the most important parts of writing a package address. Without writing the package name, it will not reach the recipient. To facilitate the delivery process, it is advisable to write the full name.

However, sometimes for certain reasons, the prospective package recipient may not want to write their full name. If so, the prospective package recipient can write their name briefly, without omitting the first name.

In addition, to make it clearer, you can also add a nickname in parentheses. This is to anticipate if the package goes astray. Sometimes, neighbors or the community may recognize your nickname more than the first name or full name.



2. How to Write a Complete Package Address

To send a package to its destination, besides the name, you also need to pay attention to the address writing. On the outside of the package, the address must be written clearly. Avoid using abbreviations, except for commonly used words such as number (abbreviated as no.), street (abbreviated as st.), alley (abbreviated as al.).

If you write the address by typing, make sure you also use a clear font type and not too small size. So that the courier can read the destination address clearly.

In addition to being clear, the way to write a package address must be done completely. Writing the address completely will minimize the risk of the package going astray or being exchanged. The complete package writing must include the street name, housing or place name, RT and RW, village or sub-district, district or city, province, and postal code.

Even if the package is sent from or to another country, you are also required to include the name of the destination country.



3. Include an Active Phone Number

In addition to the recipient's name and address, which are equally important in writing the address on a package, including a phone number is also crucial. By adding a phone number to the package address, the courier can contact you at any time, especially when they get lost or confused.

In addition, couriers usually contact the recipient when they have arrived at the destination address but there is no one available to receive the package. Not only does this facilitate the courier, but also writing a phone number can be very helpful if your package is mistakenly delivered to the wrong recipient. Usually, the shipping company will contact you regarding such incidents.

Therefore, make sure to include an always active phone number. This will prevent any difficulty for the courier or delivery service to contact you.



4. Example of Writing Complete Package Address

After reading some reviews about how to write a package address above, so you can understand better, you can see some examples of writing below.

1) Example of writing address 1:

To: Panji Pandu Prasetya (Panji)

Jln. Kota Kembang Flamboyan, no. 17 rt 02 rw 04

Pejaten, Kecamatan Pasar Minggu

South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Postal code: 12510

(Phone number: 08x xxx xxx xxx)

2) Example of writing address 2:

To: Rohmad Adi Suseno (Rohmad)

Jln. Kebon Durian Runtuh, no. 06 rt 04 rw 04

Desa Babadan, Kecamatan Kertosono

Nganjuk Regency, East Java

Postal code: 11245

(Phone number: 08x xxx xxx xxx)

3) Example of writing address 3:

To: Tiara Dewi Maharani (Dewi)

Jln. Kacang Panjang, no. 05 rt 04 rw 07

Desa Babadan, Kecamatan Kertosono

Nganjuk Regency, East Java

Postal code: 11245

Those are some ways to write a package address correctly and clearly. Hopefully, it is useful and good luck!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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