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Ok Google How to Use This Command on Your Phone, Understand the Steps to Activate It

Ok Google How to Use This Command on Your Phone, Understand the Steps to Activate It Illustration (credit: - Saying the words 'Ok Google How to' is the first step in using the Google Assistant feature. Users can activate this application for free on their phones. Meanwhile, using OK Google on devices is very easy and practical.

The sophistication of technology today is very helpful for everyone to do various things. One of Google's products, Google Assistant, makes it easy for users to find their needs on their phones in a practical way.

Where you can search for various things just by saying Ok Google. Later, Google Assistant will record your voice and search for the information you need.

For example, 'Ok Google How to Make a Sponge Cake', then Google Assistant will search for various information available on the internet. So you don't need to bother typing and searching manually anymore.

Now, here is a complete review of 'Ok Google How to' using this feature on your phone. More details have been summarized by from various sources about the Ok Google feature.

1. Google Assistant Usage

The presence of a feature called Google Assistant really helps everyone to search and find out something just by giving commands to Google Assistant. There are many uses of Google Assistant that users need to know. Here are the various uses of Google Assistant.

- Google Assistant can be used to send messages, both electronic mail and other messages.

- Google Assistant can be used to call someone from your phone just by giving commands to Google Assistant.

- Google Assistant can be used to set reminders.

- Google Assistant can be used to translate languages according to your needs.

- Google Assistant can be used to schedule your activities.

- Google Assistant can be instructed to visit specific websites according to your needs.

- Google Assistant can be instructed to open applications.


2. How to Activate Ok Google on Mobile Phones

After knowing the usefulness of Google Assistant as in the previous review, you also need to know how to activate this feature on your mobile phone. However, it should be noted that the Google Assistant feature on Android smartphones can be accessed on Android version 5.0 or the Google app version 6.12. Here's how to activate Ok Google on your phone.

- First, open the Google app on your Android phone.

- Then select your Profile Photo or Name on the top right corner.

- Select Settings.

- Then select Voice.

- After that, in the Ok Google section, click on Voice Match.

- Then Activate Ok Google.

- The Ok Google feature will then be activated automatically.


3. How to Use the 'Ok Google How to' Command

Using the 'Ok Google How to' command is actually very easy. You just need to access Google Assistant on your mobile device, where Google Assistant is usually already available on your phone. However, for those of you who do not have the Google Assistant app, you can download and install it through the Play Store.

In addition, you can set various languages to perform searches with Ok Google. Some of the languages that can be used to give commands are Arabic, Indonesian, English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, and so on.

So, how do you use the 'Ok Google How to' command? You can use the Ok Google How to feature through the home button or the Google app. Here's how to use the 'Ok Google How to' command.

1. How to Use the 'Ok Google How to' via the Home Button

- First, press and hold the Home button on your phone while saying Ok Google.

- Later, the Google Assistant notification will appear, activate it if this feature is not yet active on your device.

- Then, you can give commands by saying Ok Google How to.

2. How to Use the 'Ok Google How to' via the Google app

- First, open the Google app on your phone.

- Then, press the microphone icon and say Ok Google.

- You can give the command 'Ok Google How to...'


4. Example Command 'Ok Google How to'

After knowing some explanations about the Ok Google feature, you can use several commands that can be accessed with this feature. So that you can easily search and browse information according to your needs. In addition, Ok Google can also be used for reminders or alarms. Now, here are examples of Ok Google How to commands.

- Ok Google How to Cook Fish Menu.

- Ok Google How to Tie Shoelaces.

- Ok Google Show Route to the Beach.

- Ok Google How to Write an Article.

- Ok Google What's the Weather Today.

In addition, you can use other commands to easily utilize the Ok Google feature. Where later you only need to say the command according to your needs, then Ok Google will record and detect your voice. If you want to use the Ok Google command to send an email, you can show the message content or the destination email address.

That's the review of Ok Google, how to use this command on your phone. Hopefully, with the above review, it can help you use the Ok Google feature more effectively.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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