Kapanlagi.com - Greeting other people may have become a common habit in society. Although it may seem trivial, greetings are actually useful for maintaining familiarity in a relationship. When greeting family, relatives, or friends, greeting words are used. Therefore, it is important to know examples of greeting words, so that we can greet someone in the right and appropriate way.
In the Indonesian language itself, there are many types of greeting words. Each greeting word is used based on the situation and conditions involved. Greetings are not only conveyed orally in daily life. Greeting words are also commonly used in letter writing and for other purposes. Therefore, it is important to learn about greeting words.
Summarized from various sources, here is a review of examples of greeting words and their usage in daily life.
1. Understanding What Greetings Are

What Are Greetings (credit: unsplash)
Although it is commonly done every day, in fact, many people do not know what is meant by greetings. In general, the definition of greetings is words that are commonly used to address or greet other people. Words can also be used to greet someone or a second party, both singular and plural.
Greetings can take the form of formal and non-formal. Formal greetings are often used in formal situations. For example, formal greetings, as we often see in news readings on television or radio. Meanwhile, non-formal greetings are like the ones we commonly use to greet family, friends, and relatives in daily life.
2. Types of Greetings

Types of Greetings (credit: unsplash)
In addition to formal and non-formal forms, it turns out that greetings can also be found in several types based on their intended use. Therefore, the use of greetings in daily life should not be arbitrary. Greetings should be adjusted to the person being addressed and the purpose of the greeting. The following are some types and examples of greetings based on their intended use:
1) Greetings commonly used to indicate a family relationship. Examples of these greetings are grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt, older brother, older sister, younger sibling, young sibling, brother, sister.
2) Greetings in the form of pronouns. Examples include you, thou, brother, you (formal), sir, madam, miss, and so on.
3) Greetings that show respect. Examples include noble, honorable, and so on.
4) Greetings followed by a name are one of the commonly used types. For example, Brother Hasan, Father Susanto, Mother Amir, and so on.
3. Writing Examples of Greetings in Sentences

Examples of Greetings in Sentences (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, greetings are not only used in daily conversations. Greetings also often appear in written form, such as in stories or even in letters.
In Indonesian language, there are rules for writing greetings in sentences. One of the basic rules is that the first letter of the greeting sentence must be written in capital letters.
For a clearer understanding, here are some examples of greetings in sentence writing.
1) Where is the captain on duty today?
2) After arriving in Yogyakarta, where will you stay, Sir?
3) What grade is your younger sibling in?
4) Good morning, Mr. Village Chief.
4. Examples of Greetings as a Form of Respect

Greeting Word Examples (credit: unsplash)
In everyday usage, there are many forms and examples of greeting words. Greeting words can be used by someone to show respect and appreciation. These greeting words are commonly used in formal or official situations. To better understand and use them in daily life, here are some examples of greeting words to show respect:
1) Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you with anything?
2) Welcome, gentlemen. Please, try the dishes we have prepared.
3) Good afternoon, miss. Sorry to disturb your lunch break.
4) Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. On this occasion, let us give thanks to God for all His blessings to all of us.
5) Good afternoon, madam. Let me escort you to the auditorium.
6) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let's proceed with the meeting this morning.
7) Welcome, Mr. Handoko. Let me escort you to the meeting room.
8) Good morning, Mr. Village Head. Sorry to bother you, but we need your signature for this proposal letter.
9) Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. On this occasion, we express our gratitude for your presence at our event today.
10) Welcome to our restaurant. Please order your favorite menu here.
11) Good evening, everyone. See you again.
12) Good evening, Sir. Please have a seat here.
13) Good afternoon, Ma'am. Is Vira at home?
14) Good afternoon, Sir, Ma'am, and all invited guests.
15) Good afternoon, respected listeners. Welcome back to Gita FM.
16) Hi, viewers. Meet us again in a program that discusses various celebrity news and information.
17) Welcome to all participants of this year's training.
18) Good evening, Sir. Dinner is ready to be served.
19) Welcome, Sir. Can I help you with anything?
20) Good afternoon, is this Mr. Mafhud's residence?
5. Informal Greeting Word Examples

Informal Greeting Word Examples (credit: unsplash)
Informal greetings are commonly used to greet friends. Usually, these greetings are used to create warmth and a friendly atmosphere in relationships. Here are some examples of informal greetings.
1) Hey, buddy. Did you see Mawar earlier?
2) Hey, Rina. Where are you going?
3) Hey, Jo. Do you want to join us for a picnic?
4) Hello, friend. Have you had breakfast this morning?
5) Hey, dude, what are you doing here?
6) Oi, Jak. Have you heard the latest news about Sophie?
7) Hello everyone. Have you been waiting for a long time?
8) Hi everyone. This time we will give you tips on how to recycle bottle wastes around you.
9) Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late.
10) Hi Karli. How are you? It's been a while since we last met.
11) Hi Siska. How are you today?
12) Hello, who am I speaking to?
13) Hello, siblings. Are you ready to play?
14) Excuse me, friends. Can you help me?
15) Welcome to our restaurant. Please order your favorite menu here.
16) Hey buddy. Did you see Mawar earlier?
17) Hello everyone. Have you been waiting for a long time?
18) Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late.
19) Hi Ndut. You've been gaining weight after Eid.
20) Hey Jo. Do you want to join us for a picnic?
Those are some examples of greetings and their usage in sentences. Hopefully, it is useful and can broaden your knowledge!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.