Kapanlagi.com - Jack Ma is a Chinese businessman who is internationally famous. He is the founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group, the largest e-commerce company in China. He is the first Mainland Chinese to appear on Forbes magazine and be listed as a world billionaire. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jack Ma's wise words are so popular in inspiring life.
Jack Ma started Alibaba Group from an apartment that can be considered far from luxury. However, from the simple apartment in Haupan Harden, Hangzhou, Alibaba grew and developed rapidly. This success was achieved thanks to Jack Ma's perseverance and hard work. It can be an example for those of you who want to succeed in your career.
For those of you who are looking for Jack Ma's wise words, here are 80 inspiring Jack Ma quotes compiled from various sources. Let's check it out KLovers.
1. Jack Ma Quotes

Jack Ma (credit: © Splashnews.com/splash)
Here are the inspiring words of Jack Ma for life. Here are Jack Ma's wise words:
- Good work is not something you look for when you leave the house, it is something you find when you are working.
- Smart people need stupid people to lead them. When a team consists of a group of scientists, it is best to have a farmer leading them. Their way of thinking is different. It is easier to win if you look at people from different perspectives.
- You need the right people with you, not the best people.
- I am not a technician. I see technology through my customers' eyes, through the eyes of normal people.
- Once in your life, try to work hard in something. Try to change. No bad things can happen.
- The most important thing you should have is patience.
- Today, making money is very simple. But making sustainable money while being responsible to society and improving the world is very difficult.
- Life is very short, very beautiful. Don't take work too seriously. Enjoy life.
- Never do business with the government. Fall in love with them, but never marry them.
- Never compete on price, instead compete on service and innovation.
- When you are poor, not successful, all your wise words sound like farts. But when you are rich and successful, your farts sound very wise and inspiring.
- If you don't give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is one of the biggest failures.
- Instead of learning from other people's success, learn from their failures.
- Poor people fail because their whole life is waiting. When there's an opportunity, you don't see it.When someone takes an opportunity,You look down on that person.When others make money,You don't understand.When you understand, it's already too late.
- When the money for your life is enough,The greatest happiness is using the money from your own hard work to achieve your unrealized dreams.
- If you have never tried it, How can you know if there's an Opportunity?
- Once in your life, Try to work hard in something.Starting now, try to change!Nothing bad can happen.
- You must keep trying, and when you fail.You can always try again and do what you have done before.
- We never run out of money. We only lack people who have dreams, who are willing to die for those dreams.
- You will never know how much you can do in this life.
2. Jack Ma Inspirational Quotes

Jack Ma (credit: © Splashnews.com/splash)
Here are Jack Ma's inspiring words for life. Here are Jack Ma's wise words:
- Change while you are in your best condition, before bad things happen. It will be too late to fix the roof when the rain has already come. Borrow an umbrella while the sun is still shining.
- If we are a good team and know what we want to do, only one of us can defeat ten of our competitors.
- In building an e-commerce business, the most important thing is to keep doing what you are doing now with passion, to grow it.
- It doesn't matter if I fail. At least I have passed on the concept to others. Even if I am not successful, someone will be.
- You have to learn from your competitors, but never just imitate. Imitate and you will finish.
- If there are nine rabbits on the ground, and you want to catch one, then focus on one only.
- If you have never tried, how will you know if there is an opportunity?
- If you don't give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the biggest failure.
- If we are a good team and know what we want to do, one of us can defeat ten of them.
- If you want to win in the 21st century, you have to empower others, make sure others are better than you. Then you will succeed.
- Spread your wings, chase your dreams, and let your life go through a different journey!
- If we want to change the world, we have to change ourselves. Changing the world may be Obama's task.
- Change while you are at your best condition. It's too late to fix the roof when the rainy season has already come. Borrow an umbrella while the sun is still shining.
- Help the young, help the small, because the small will become big. The young will have the seeds you sow in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world.
- Learn from others' failures, not just their successes.
- I don't want to be liked, I just want to be respected.
- The most important thing you must have is patience.
- I appreciate yesterday, but I look for a better tomorrow.
- You have to learn from your competitors, but don't try to imitate them. If you imitate, then you die.
- My job is to help more people have jobs.
3. Jack Ma Inspirational Quotes

Jack Ma (credit: © Splashnews.com/splash)
These are the inspiring words of Jack Ma that are full of inspiration for life. Here are Jack Ma's wise words:
- Today is hard. Tomorrow will be even harder. But the day after tomorrow will be beautiful. Most people die on the 'evening of tomorrow' and don't get the chance to see the sunrise.
- Instead of learning from other people's successes, learn from their mistakes. Most people who fail share the same reasons for failure, while success can be attributed to various reasons.
- Why can I be a better CEO than most CEOs out there? Because I don't work for money. Making profit has never been my main goal.
- You have to make smart consumers. E-commerce portals do not sell products at cheaper prices, but offline stores sell them at higher prices.
- You never know that the things you do mean a lot to the community.
- If you want to grow, find good opportunities. Nowadays, if you want to be a good company, think about social problems that you can provide solutions for.
- If customers love you, the government must love you.
- We appreciate yesterday, but we seek a better tomorrow.
- You must learn from your competitors, but never copy. If you copy, you will 'die'.
- When you are young, you have to be very focused and rely on your brain, not your strength.
- Your attitude is more important than your capabilities.
- If you never try, how can you know if you have that opportunity.
- How you treat others does not mean how others will treat you. If you don't understand this, you will add unnecessary burden to your life.
- Don't do everything alone, because you won't be able to finish it.
- It's not about how much we achieve, but how much we endure difficult days and mistakes.
- Today is cruel, tomorrow will be even crueler, the day after tomorrow will be beautiful. But unfortunately, many people have given up by tomorrow night.
- If you want to grow, find good opportunities. If you want to build a big company, think about social problems that you can solve. When we have money, we start making mistakes.
- If we want to change the world, we must first change ourselves.
- Opportunities lie in every complaint you keep.
- Once in your life, try doing something. Work hard for something, and try to change. There is no bad thing that can happen.
4. Jack Ma Inspirational Quotes

Jack Ma (credit: © Splashnews.com/splash)
These are the wise words of Jack Ma that are full of inspiration for life. Here are Jack Ma's wise words:
- It doesn't matter if I fail. At least I conveyed the concept to others. Even if I don't succeed, someone will.
- You must learn from your competitors, but never just imitate. Imitate and you will graduate.
- When people reject you, learn to warm your right hand with your left hand.
- You never know how much you can do in your life.
- Help the young. Help the small people. Because the small people will become great. The young generation will have seeds that you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world.
- We will succeed because we are young and we will not, will not give up.
- We never lack money. We lack people with dreams, who can die for those dreams.
- It is very difficult to know the outside world, but you know yourself. You know your needs and what you want. If I know myself better, I will adapt myself to the outside world.
- I want to change history, do something important in my life, and influence people like we have with millions of small businesses in Alibaba. Then they will love and respect you because you make their lives important.
- I try to make myself happy because I know that if I am not happy, my colleagues are not happy, my shareholders are not happy, and my customers are not happy.
- When you are still growing, you must be more focused and control your thoughts, not your strength.
- We will succeed because we are young and we never give up.
- When others think too highly of you, you actually have the responsibility to stay calm and be yourself.
- Do not give up, today is tough, tomorrow will be even tougher. But the day after tomorrow will be beautiful.
- Life in this world is very short, and very beautiful. Do not take work too seriously. Enjoy life.
- Stay hungry, and keep following your dreams.
- A leader must be visionary and have more forward-looking views than his employees.
- When you are young, you must dare to focus and rely on your brain, not your strength.
- Only fools use their mouths to speak. Smart people use their brains, and wise people use their hearts.
- See every challenge as an opportunity.
Those are 80 wise words from Jack Ma that are so inspiring in life. Hopefully, Jack Ma's wise words can motivate you to succeed in life.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.