Kapanlagi.com - Indonesia has various interesting regional languages to learn, one of which is Sundanese. With approximately 42 million speakers spread across different regions, Sundanese language is becoming more well-known. For those of you who want to learn, it's natural to be curious about the meaning of Sundanese language.
Especially if you have friends who are native Sundanese speakers, the curiosity about the vocabulary they often use is often unstoppable. Therefore, here is information about the meaning of Sundanese language in Indonesian that you might want to know.
In addition to the meaning of Sundanese language, this information also includes explanations about its various dialects. The widespread distribution of Sundanese language has resulted in different dialects in various regions. So, to answer your curiosity, let's directly read the explanations summarized from various sources below.
1. Various Sundanese Dialects
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Before delving into the various meanings of Sundanese language that you need to know, it doesn't hurt to get to know its various dialects. Sundanese itself is a branch of Malay-Polynesian language in the Austronesian language family. This language is used by speakers in almost all provinces in West Java, Banten, and several regions in Western Central Java.
Speakers outside of these provinces include Brebes Regency, Cilacap, and Jakarta. Therefore, Sundanese dialects are diverse, ranging from Sunda Banten to Sunda Priangan. The following is an explanation of Sundanese dialects and their distribution.
Central East Dialect
Majalengka Regency and southern part of Indramayu Regency.
Southeast Dialect
Ciamis Regency, Cilacap Regency, Pangandaran Regency, Banjar City, and western part of Banyumas Regency (Central Java).
Northeast Dialect (including Cirebon Sundanese)
Kuningan Regency, southern part of Cirebon Regency, and western part of Brebes Regency (Central Java).
Southern Dialect (Priangan)
Greater Bandung (Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency, Bandung City and Cimahi City), Sukabumi Regency, Cianjur Regency, and Sukabumi City, Sumedang, Garut, Tasikmalaya Regency, and Tasikmalaya City.
Western Dialect
Lebak Regency, Tangerang Regency (excluding Pakuhaji, Teluknaga, Kelapa Dua, Curug, Pagedangan, Pandeglang, Kosambi (Tangerang Regency), Tangerang City, and South Tangerang City).
Northern Dialect
Southern part of Bogor Regency and entire area of Bogor City, Karawang Regency, Subang, Purwakarta, and part of Bekasi Regency (excluding Bekasi City and Depok City).
2. Meaning of Sundanese Numbers in Indonesian
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
As a starting point for learning, you can begin by memorizing the vocabulary of the following Sundanese numbers.
1. 1 = hiji
2. 2 = dua
3. 3 = tilu
4. 4 = opat
5. 5 = lima
6. 6 = genep
7. 7 = tujuh
8. 8 = dalapan
9. 9 = salapan
10. 10 = sa-puluh
11. 11 = sa-belas
12. 12 = dua belas
13. 13 = tilu belas
14. 20 = dua puluh
15. 21 = sa-likur
16. 22 = dua likur
17. 29 = salapan likur
18. 100 = sa-ratus
19. 101 = sa-ratus hiji
20. 200 = dua ratus
21. 201 = dua ratus hiji
22. 1,000 = sa-rebu
23. 1,000,000 = sa-juta
24. 1,000,000,000 = sa-miliar
25. 1,000,000,000,000 = sa-triliun
26. 1,000,000,000,000,000 = sa-quadriliun
3. Meaning of Sundanese Language A - I
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
For those of you who want to learn Sundanese language, please expand your vocabulary by memorizing the meaning of Sundanese language A - I below.
27. Abdi = I
28. Aaang = older sibling
29. Aya = there is
30. Alit = small
31. Alus = good
32. Anom = young
33. Antosan = wait
34. Anyar = new
35. Asak = cook, ripe
36. Awis = expensive
37. Angkat = depart
38. Ayeuna = now
39. Atanapi = or
40. Atos = already
41. Babalung = bone
42. Babaturan = friend
43. Baheula = in the past
44. Balik = go home
45. Bantos = help
46. Basa = language
47. Barudak = young people
48. Baeud = sulking
49. Bogoh = love
50. Bade kamana = where are you going (?)
51. Burit = afternoon
52. Cageur = recover
53. Ceurik = cry
54. Deudeuh = dear
55. Deui = again
56. Dieu = here
57. Dua = two
58. dahar = eat
59. Enjing = tomorrow
60. Gampil = easy
61. Gandeng = noisy
62. Getol = diligent
63. Geulis = beautiful
64. Gorowok = shout
65. Guyon = joke
66. Hatur nuhun = thank you
67. Hayu = come on
68. ieu = this
69. Indit = go
70. Iraha = when
71. Isin = shy
4. Meaning of Sundanese Language K - W
Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Here are some vocabulary along with their meanings in Sundanese to Indonesian from K - W that you can learn.
72.Kabeneran = coincidence
73.Kabuju = in a hurry
74.Kadieu = here
75.Kaditu = there
76.Kamari = yesterday
77.Kasep = handsome
78. Kumaha anjeun weh = up to you
79.Kumaha = how
80.Kunaon = why (?)
81.Lawas tilawas = very long
82.Leungen = hand
83.Lima = five
84.Manah = heart.
85. Mangga = please
86.Mastaka = head
87.Meuli = buy
88.Moal = won't
89.Mumucangan = ankle
90.Ngeunah = delicious
91.Nuju naon = what are you doing (?)
92. Nuju nyalse = not doing anything anymore
93.Nyarios = say
94.Pami = if
95.Patuangan = stomach
96.Permios = excuse me
97.Puguh = clear
98.Punten = excuse me, sorry
99. Ranasa = feels
100.Saalit = a little
101.Sabelas = eleven
102.Sadayana = everything
103.Saha = who
104.Sakalian = all
105.Sakedap = a moment
106. Sakola = school
107.Sampeyan = you
108.Sanaos = although
109.Sareng saha = together with whom (?)
110.Sarua = same
111.Saupama = if
112.Sawangsulna = together
113. Seuri = laugh
114.Siga = like
115.Sirah = head
116.Tarang = forehead
117.Teu ngeunah awak = not feeling well
118.Teu = no
119.Tong= don't
120. Tunduh pisan = very sleepy
121.Ukeun = ask
122.Urang = I
123.Uyuhan = stubborn
124.Waktos = time
125.Wilujeng enjing = good morning
126.Wilujeng ngaraosan = enjoy
127. Wilujeng siang = good afternoon
128.Wilujeng sonten = good evening
129.Wilujeng tepang taun = happy birthday
130.Wilujeng wengi = good night
KLovers, those are a number of Sundanese vocabulary meanings along with information about some dialects.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.