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4 Practices of Fortunate Migrants that Can Be Done During Ramadan

4 Practices of Fortunate Migrants that Can Be Done During Ramadan Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Ramadan is a very special month for all Muslims around the world. Not only worship that is multiplied by Allah SWT, but all positive things done during this Ramadan will bring rewards if done sincerely for the sake of Allah Ta'ala. There are even some ways to attract fortune during Ramadan that you can do.

Fortune here is not just about wealth, KLovers, it can be in the form of assistance, help, health, safety, soulmate, and so on, which can be called fortune. In addition to effort, in order to obtain fortune, Muslims should also pray and ask Allah SWT. This request can be done with the recommended practices, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

What are some of the ways to attract fortune during Ramadan? According to, here are 4 ways to attract fortune during Ramadan that you can do.


1. Giving Alms

The first practice of fortunate migrants during Ramadan is giving alms. Alms are defined as the giving of what we have to others. When someone gives alms to others, Allah SWT promises an extraordinary reward. Allah SWT says:

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies His reward for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing." (Al-Baqarah: 261)

Although giving alms on ordinary days can also bring extraordinary blessings, you can be even more diligent in giving alms to those in need during this holy month. And do everything sincerely for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.


2. Increase Gratitude

The practice of seeking sustenance in the second holy month of Ramadan is to increase gratitude. Gratitude is something that we must always do, because with gratitude, Allah will provide more blessings than what is obtained. In contrast to those who are ungrateful, they will receive severe punishment. As stated in the word of Allah SWT:

"(Remember) when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor); but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.'" (Quran, 14:7)

Everything that comes from Allah SWT will surely bring goodness to you. Because Allah gives a test or a reminder, there must be something good behind it for us. So, whatever it is, happiness or sadness, we must always be grateful for it at all times.


3. Reading Surah Al-Waqiah

During the holy month of Ramadan, many people take the time to read the Quran. Besides earning rewards, it turns out there is a surah in the Quran known as the surah of incoming wealth. The wealth referred to here is not about worldly possessions, but rather all the contents of the world that are owned by Allah SWT.

The surah in question is Surah Al-Waqiah, which contains content about faith and monotheism. For those of you who know the extraordinary nature of Allah SWT, then everything that is difficult in the world becomes so easy for Allah, especially wealth. In addition, there is also evidence of the power of Allah SWT and the existence of the Day of Resurrection in the future. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

"Teach Surah Al-Waqiah to your wives. Because indeed, it is a surah of wealth." (Hadith narrated by Ibn Ady)

By reading Surah Al-Waqiah a lot during the month of Ramadan, even contemplating it with the heart, and dedicating it to Allah SWT, then you don't need to fear the state of the world or its contents. Because there will always be Allah SWT who helps you.


4. Increase Istighfar

And the last practice to attract sustenance during the last Ramadan is to increase istighfar. As we know, istighfar is a recommended remembrance to be done by Muslims. Its meaning is to seek forgiveness for all the sins committed.

Istighfar also becomes one of the practices to welcome sustenance. Sometimes, the sins we commit will close the door of sustenance within us. So, even though we have tried our best, the desired sustenance is still not obtained.

Those are the 4 practices to attract sustenance during Ramadan that you can apply well. Hopefully, these practices are not only for worldly desires but also for worshiping Allah SWT.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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