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55 Wise and Meaningful Adult Words, Source of Inspiration to Behave Wisely

55 Wise and Meaningful Adult Words, Source of Inspiration to Behave Wisely Illustration (credit: freepik) - Age is often used as a benchmark for maturity. However, age is just a number. The level of someone's maturity is actually seen from their mindset and behavior. An adult will face problems in life wisely. Wise adult words can be a provision and guidance to behave more wisely.

Mature and wise attitude in facing problems is important. With a mature and wise attitude, various problems will seem easier to overcome. That's why it's important to understand the meaning behind wise adult words. So that the mindset to behave wisely is always embedded in memory and heart.

Summarized from various sources, here are wise adult words that can make you more wise in your behavior.

1. Wise Adult Words from Inspirational Figures

Wise words from inspirational figures are often used as quotes to motivate someone to be more enthusiastic in living their life. The same goes for wise words from inspirational figures about adulthood. Here are some wise adult words from inspirational figures.

1. "Maturity is the ability to delay gratification." - Sigmund Freud

2. "Maturity: doing what is important and ignoring what is not." - Maxime Lagace

3. "The first sign of maturity is not reacting to the immaturity of others." - D.Muthukrishnan

4. "Maturity is realizing how many things don't require your comment." - Rachel Wolchin

5. "Maturity is when you live your life with commitment, not with your feelings." - Rick Warren

6. "Maturity is the courage to use your own intelligence." - Immanuel Kant

7. "Youth ends when selfishness ends; maturity begins when someone lives for others." - Hermann Hesse

8. "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." - Rumi

9. "I lived in painful solitude in my youth, but enjoyed it in the years of maturity." - Albert Einstein

10. "It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow." - Benjamin Franklin

11. "Do something uncomfortable now to feel comfortable later." - Shane Parrish

12. "Succeeding in defeating your ego makes you mature. Succeeding in defeating others makes you a winner. But succeeding in helping others is what makes you a leader." - Mario Teguh

13. "Not taking things personally is a superpower." - James Clear

14. "I did become mature suddenly because of the circumstances." So, I decided to solve my own problems with the dialogues I had with myself." - Merry Riana

15. "Because the joy of being an adult is sharing stories and experiences with the younger generation." - Fiersa Besari

2. Meaningful Wise Adult Words

Words about maturity are not just sentences containing messages to behave wisely when facing problems. More than that, these words also have deep meanings. So, from these words we can learn many things. Here are wise adult words full of meaning.

16. "Apologizing doesn't always prove that we are wrong, but it shows our maturity."

17. "Being mature teaches us what is right and will not repeat the mistakes of the past."

18. "Maturity is seen from how someone manages their anger, even towards someone who disappoints them so much."

19. "Age is the highest price to pay for maturity.

20. "True personal maturity is shown when we make choices based on faith and love."

21. "Sometimes someone judges someone's maturity by the words that come out of their mouth, whereas true maturity is stored in their mind."

22. "When two friends become lovers, it's sincerity. When two ex-lovers become friends, it's maturity."

23. "A person's maturity is not measured by their way of speaking and actions. But, a person's maturity can be measured by how loyal and sincere they can be to only one person. That is the meaning of maturity in love."

24. "Sincerely accepting mistakes and learning from every mistake is what will make you strong in life."

25. "Significant events can always make people mature quickly. They can't avoid, can't fight. They can only embrace all the sadness, embrace it tightly."

26. "Maturity is when we are hurt by others, but try to understand their situation, not retaliate."

27. "Maturity is the ability to use someone's intelligence without guidance from others."

3. Wise Adult Words in Life

Maturity is something that is highly needed in life. Without maturity, life will feel heavy because of various problems that seem complicated and difficult to solve. Here are some wise mature words in life.

28. "A person's mature or childish attitude will be seen when they are facing a problem, not by their age."

29. "Survival means always changing, because change is the path to maturity."

30. "New birth only takes a moment. Maturity, spiritually, takes a lifetime."

31. "No matter how your life is, you always have the choice to see it from the good side or the bad side."

32. "It takes maturity to understand the thoughts of adults. And problems are the way to mature."

33. "Life is never free from problems because problems are one way God makes you stronger and more mature."

34. "Maturity sometimes teaches you that life doesn't always go according to your wishes."

35. "It's normal to face regrets and be ready to face the next regrets, which will hopefully make you mature."

36. "Time is the path that will guide us to become more mature."

37. "If we feel tired because of doing good, then indeed the tiredness will disappear and the goodness will remain. If we enjoy sins, the pleasure will disappear and the sins will remain."

38. "Maturity is not just about being able to speak with a calm mind, but also being able to solve existing problems, not ignore them."

4. Wise Adult Words Full of Advice

Maturity will show how wise someone is in facing problems. Therefore, words of maturity are often accompanied by messages or wise advice that can make someone wiser. Here are some wise adult words full of advice.

39. "Sometimes, you think someone has changed without realizing it because they have started to behave maturely."

40. "Do not hate those who speak ill of you because they make you stronger every day."

41. "Never insult someone's past because you do not know what their future will be like."

42. "Sometimes God introduces you to someone who makes you cry so that you appreciate the person who makes you laugh."

43. "The quality of a conversation is not judged by how much you talk. Rather, it is judged by how many people understand what you are saying."

44. "One way to become an adult is to realize that happiness is in your own hands."

45. "Dealing with failure should be done with maturity."

46. "Praying for those who love and cherish you is sincerity. Praying for those who hurt and hate you is maturity."

47. "I believe that every problem that has happened gives us more maturity. From there, I learned that togetherness is important."

48. "Facing regrets is normal. and I am ready to face the next regrets that will hopefully make me more mature."

49. "Do not force yourself to endure something that constantly disappoints you because you may be very valuable to others."

50. "Know that happiness does not belong to those who still hope, even though they continue to be hurt and disappointed."

51. "Never hate God for not fulfilling what you want." Be grateful to Him because He is able to provide what you need all this time."

52. "Never underestimate yourself. If you are unhappy with your life, fix what's wrong and keep moving forward."

53. "It's too much to expect a life without problems, it's the same as not wanting maturity."

54. "Maturity is not about age, but about how well one can control, manage, and take responsibility for oneself and others."

55. "Maturity comes from the willingness to make difficult decisions in life."

Those are among the 55 wise and meaningful words of maturity that can guide someone to be wiser. Hopefully, it is useful and inspiring!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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