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8 Delicious, Savory, and Very Practical Lontong Sayur Recipes, Perfect for Special Occasions

8 Delicious, Savory, and Very Practical Lontong Sayur Recipes, Perfect for Special Occasions Illustration (credit: - Lontong sayur (vegetable rice cake) is one of the typical dishes of the homeland that is loved by many people. Because lontong sayur can be combined with various types of side dishes and vegetables including eggs, meat, tofu, tempeh, or crackers. Besides being easily found in several street vendors, the recipe for lontong sayur turns out to be quite practical to make yourself.

Lontong sayur is generally a main breakfast menu that is sought after by many people. However, on several big days such as Idul Fitri (Eid al-Fitr), lontong sayur is a menu that is always served. This is usually served with opor ayam (chicken curry), sambal kentang (potato sambal), and various other foods.

It is not surprising that approaching the celebration of Idul Fitri or big days, many people start preparing various ingredients to make lontong sayur. Several lontong sayur recipes like the reviews below can be used as a reference for dishes on big days.

As for the delicious, savory, and very practical recipe for lontong sayur that you can follow through the following reviews. The following lontong sayur recipe has been summarized by from various sources.


1. Vegetable Lontong Recipe

Lontong Sayur dish is usually combined with various types of vegetables and side dishes such as chayote, tofu, tempeh, long beans, stink beans, or eggs. Now, the following recipe for Lontong Sayur can be your inspiration for a mouthwatering dish as reported by

The ingredients are:

- 2 medium-sized chayotes.

- Tempeh or tofu, cut according to taste.

- 5 pieces of long beans, cut according to taste.

- 5 peeled eggs.

- 1 board of peeled stink beans.

- 2 bay leaves.

- 1 stalk of lemongrass, crushed.

- 1 segment of galangal, crushed.

- 2 kaffir lime leaves.

- 500 ml coconut milk from 1 mature coconut.

- Sugar, salt, and powdered broth to taste.

The ground spices are:

- 8 shallots.

- 4 cloves of garlic.

- 5 red chilies.

- 2 segments of turmeric.

- 3 candlenuts.

- 1 tsp coriander.

- 1 tbsp dried shrimp.

The complements are:

- Lontong (compressed rice cake).

- Fried shallots.

- Crackers.

Here's how to make it:

- First, peel the chayotes and cut them into matchstick shapes. Add 1 tbsp of salt and knead to soften the texture. Rinse and drain.

- Heat 500 ml of water until boiling, then add the chayotes, long beans, and tempeh. Stir until well mixed.

- Then sauté the ground spices until fragrant, then add the bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, and galangal until the spices are cooked.

- Add the sautéed spices to the pot and stir until well mixed.

- Pour in the coconut milk and add sugar, salt, and powdered broth to taste. Stir to prevent the coconut milk from splitting.

- Add boiled eggs and stink beans, cook until everything is cooked.

- Remove from heat and serve with the complements.


2. Vegetable Lontong and Shrimp Recipe

You can also combine vegetable lontong with shrimp, which has a delicious and tasty flavor. The following is the recipe for vegetable lontong and shrimp as quoted from

The ingredients:

- 200 grams of shrimp, remove the head.

- 1 medium-sized chayote squash. Cut into matchsticks, wash thoroughly and drain.

- 8 pieces of tofu pong.

- 10 boiled quail eggs.

- 2 large red chili peppers.

- 3 curly red chili peppers.

- 7 shallots.

- 3 cloves of garlic.

- 3 candlenuts.

- 1 pack of Kara coconut milk.

- Sugar, salt, pepper, chicken bouillon powder to taste.

- 1,200 ml of water.

The additional seasoning:

- 2 bay leaves.

- 3 kaffir lime leaves.

- Bruised galangal.

How to make it:

- First, sauté the ground spices and additional seasoning until fragrant.

- Then add the shrimp, stir until it changes color, then add the chayote squash, stir well.

- After that, add water, salt, sugar, and other seasonings. Cook until boiling, then add tofu and eggs.

- Taste and adjust the seasoning, then add the coconut milk and stir briefly.

- Remove from heat and the vegetable lontong is ready to be served with complementary ingredients such as lontong (rice cakes), crackers, and others.


3. Special Curry Vegetable Lontong Recipe

As for the recipe for special curry vegetable lontong, you can use it as an inspiration and a reference to stimulate your appetite. Here is a simple recipe for special curry vegetable lontong that you can practice at home.

The ingredients:

- 5 pieces of lontong or ketupat.

- 250 grams of beef tetelan.

- 4 pieces of fried yellow tofu.

- 1 piece of tempeh, cut into squares.

- 3 pieces of chayote squash.

- 4 boards of petai.

- Salt, sugar, and pepper to taste.

- 6 bay leaves.

- 1 stalk of lemongrass, crushed.

- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil.

- Sufficient amount of water.

- 400 ml of evaporated milk FN.

The ground spices:

- 6 shallots.

- 3 cloves of garlic.

- 2 cm of ginger.

- 3 cm of turmeric.

- 6 candlenuts.

- 3 large red chili peppers, remove the seeds.

- 1 teaspoon of coriander.

- 1 teaspoon of cumin.

- 2 tablespoons of curry powder.

Additional ingredients:

- Shrimp crackers.

- Sambal.

- Balado anchovies.

The instructions:

- First, sauté the ground spices until fragrant and cooked. Then add the lemongrass and bay leaves. Stir well.

- Then add the beef, tofu, tempeh, chayote squash, and petai. Stir well.

- After that, add water and evaporated milk. Boil until the beef is cooked.

- Add salt, sugar, and pepper to taste. Cook for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat.

- Arrange the lontong and pour the beef curry into the lontong bowls.

- Then add sambal, shrimp crackers, and fried onions as toppings.

- The curry vegetable lontong is ready to be served.


4. Betawi Vegetable Lontong Recipe

Several regions in Indonesia have their own version of lontong sayur with their own unique flavors. One of them is Betawi, the following Betawi-style lontong sayur recipe can be easily practiced at home.

The ingredients:

- 2 large chayote, peeled and cleaned. Cut the chayote into matchsticks.

- Boiled eggs.

- 1 block of tempeh or according to taste.

- Lontong (compressed rice cake) as needed.

- 1 pack of packaged coconut milk.

The ground spices:

- 5 shallots.

- 2 finger-length ginger.

- 2 cloves of garlic.

- 2 large red chili peppers.

- 2 finger-length turmeric.

The additional ingredients:

- A piece of galangal, crushed.

- 1 stalk of lemongrass, crushed.

- 2 bay leaves.

- 2 tsp of salt.

- 1 tbsp of sugar.

- 1 pack of powdered broth.

The instructions:

- First, peel the eggs and soak them in water.

- Saute the ground spices together with the additional ingredients.

- Then, pour in the coconut milk and add a little bit of water gradually.

- Cook until boiling, then add the chayote.

- Cook until boiling, then add the tempeh and eggs.

- Adjust the taste and the Betawi vegetable lontong sayur is ready to be served with crackers and sambal.


5. Sweet Vegetable Rice Cake Recipe

Several lontong sayur recipes have various flavors, ranging from spicy, savory, to sweet. For those of you who are fans of sweet and savory food, this lontong sayur recipe can be used as a reference.

The ingredients:

- 1 small preserved/chayote squash, roughly grated the size of a matchstick.

- 1 bunch of long beans, cut into 1 cm pieces.

- 2 carrots, thinly sliced the size of a matchstick.

- 1/2 block of tempeh, cut into small pieces the size of half a matchstick.

- 2 tbsp dried shrimp, soaked in warm water until soft.

- 5-7 tbsp fiber creme.

- 2 liters of water.

- 1 segment of galangal, crushed.

- 3 bay leaves.

- Salt and brown sugar to taste.

- Cooking oil for sautéing.

The ground spices:

- 10 shallots.

- 6 cloves of garlic.

- 5 candlenuts.

- 10 large red chilies.

The complements:

- Lontong (rice cake).

- Optional: braised eggs, tofu, tempeh.

- Crackers.

- Fried shallots.

How to make it:

- First, sauté the ground spices until fragrant, then add the galangal and dried shrimp, stir briefly, then set aside.

- After that, heat the water until boiling, add the long beans and preserved squash, then add the sautéed spices.

- Add salt and sugar to taste.

- Then add the dissolved fiber creme with a little water, stir until well combined. Cook briefly and remove from heat.

- Serve with lontong, braised eggs, tofu and tempeh, crackers, and fried shallots.


6. Simple Vegetable Lontong Recipe

The following vegetable lontong recipe is considered very simple to practice at home. That's why the recipe below can be used as a reference for a delicious dish on special days. Let's take a look at the review, KLovers.

The ingredients:

- 2 liters of water.

- 2 medium-sized chayotes.

- 5 long beans.

- 1/2 block of tempeh.

- 3 large green chili peppers.

- Coconut milk.

- Salt.

- Palm sugar.

- Mushroom broth.

- 2 bay leaves.

- 3 lime leaves.

- 1 stalk of lemongrass.

The ground spices:

- 10 curly red chili peppers.

- 10 bird's eye chili peppers.

- 5 shallots.

- 3 cloves of garlic.

- 2 candlenuts.

- 2 cm galangal.

- 3 cm turmeric.

How to make it:

- First, sauté the ground spices together with the bay leaves, lemongrass, and lime leaves until fragrant.

- Then add the chayotes that have been cut into matchsticks and washed. Cook until wilted.

- Then add water and other seasonings. Cook until boiling.

- After that, add coconut milk, long beans, and tempeh.

- Cook until done. Adjust the taste.

- Remove from heat and the lontong sayur is ready to be served with other complementary ingredients.


7. Recipe for Lontong Sayur Cap Gomeh

As for the recipe for lontong sayur cap gomeh, you can also use the following as a practical and delicious reference. Just read the following discussion about the recipe for lontong sayur cap gomeh.

The ingredients:

- 1/2 free-range chicken

- 1.5 liters of water, boiled in a pot.

- 500 ml thick coconut milk

- 200 grams of carrots, cut into matchsticks.

- 200 grams of long beans, cut into 2 cm pieces.

- 350 grams of chayote, cut into matchsticks.

- 150 grams of tempeh, cut and fried until browned.

- 2 tablespoons of sliced palm sugar.

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, crushed.

- 4 pieces of torn and de-stemmed kaffir lime leaves.

- 3 pieces of bay leaves.

- Sufficient amount of galangal.

- 3 tablespoons of ground roasted dried shrimp.

- Salt, sugar, and mushroom broth to taste.

The ground spices:

- 12 shallots.

- 8 cloves of garlic.

- 7 candlenuts.

- 5 red chilies.

- 3 cm of turmeric, the size of an index finger.

How to make it:

- First, sauté the ground spices with lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and bay leaves until fragrant.

- Then add the chicken pieces, palm sugar, tempeh, and stir until the chicken changes color.

- Then add the coconut milk and stir to prevent it from separating.

- Remove from heat and transfer to a pot of boiling water, stir well.

- Then add the vegetable pieces, add salt, sugar, and mushroom broth. Cook while stirring until boiling.

- Turn off the heat and serve with lontong (rice cakes), boiled eggs, sambal (chili paste), and sprinkle with roasted coconut and fried onions.


8. Recipe for Lontong Sayur Padang

Besides Betawi vegetable lontong, the following recipe for Padang vegetable lontong can also be an inspiration for you. Here are the complete steps to make Padang vegetable lontong.

The ingredients:

- 200 grams of bone-in meat, small pieces.

- 700 ml thick coconut milk.

- 1 liter of water.

- 200 grams of green beans, diagonally sliced.

- 200 grams of young jackfruit, small pieces.

- 1 turmeric leaf, optional.

- 1 stalk of lemongrass, crushed.

- 4 kaffir lime leaves.

- 2 bay leaves.

- Salt, sugar to taste.

The ground spices:

- 12 shallots.

- 8 cloves of garlic.

- 5 cm ginger.

- 5 cm galangal.

- 1 thumb-sized turmeric.

- 6 candlenuts.

- 10-15 curly red chili peppers.

The steps to make it:

- First, sauté the ground spices until fragrant and release oil.

- Then add turmeric leaf, lemongrass, bay leaves, and kaffir lime leaves, stir well.

- Add the meat and bones, stir until fragrant and evenly cooked.

- Add salt, a little sugar, and stir until boiling.

- Then add the jackfruit and stir again until boiling.

- Add the green beans and boiled eggs, cook until boiling. Adjust the taste.

- Remove from heat and serve with lontong, fried shallots, and crackers.

Those are 8 delicious, savory, and practical lontong vegetable recipes, which can be served on special occasions. The above lontong vegetable recipe can be used as a reference that will stimulate your appetite.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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